the truth in the purple jellybeans // part 3.

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"W-What did you just say?" Riley stutters, after trying to process what Lucas had just said. He likes me? No! He's with Maya, he loves Maya, not the insecure, clumsy Riley Matthews.

"Oh please! To me, it looks like you've got a thing for the overly conceited blonde." Evan remarked, snarlingly with a bitter chuckle. "Her name is Maya." Lucas defended her in his 'don't mess with my friends, or I'll whoop your ass' voice, while taking a step closer.

Evan let out another bitter laugh. "I figured you'd defend your girlfriend." Evan remarked, much to Lucas' displeasure. "She's a friend, and you should watch yourself. You're messing with the wrong guy." Lucas warned, trying to stall the Texas Lucas inside of him.

"I'm not scared of you, city boy." Evan banters in response. Lucas takes another step closer, tired of Evan's bullshit. "You must be mistaken. You see, I'm from Texas, and in Texas, we pummel people like you. Now, I'm gonna ask you to leave Riley alone. I'm not gonna ask, again." He threatens, his emerald eyes narrowed.

"She's not your girlfriend." Evan remarks, trying to hide his gulp. "Not yet." Lucas whispers, hoping Riley didn't hear. This wasn't how he wanted her to find out he chose her. Evan snickers.

"This can go two ways; you get lost, or you get a broken jaw. Your choice." Lucas whispers, his teeth gritted. He really didn't want the brunette to hear him threatening someone, but it had to be done. Evan looks over Lucas' shoulder to Riley.

"Do you really want me to leave you alone with him, city girl?" Evan asks, obnoxiously. She knew as soon as Lucas heard what he called her, this wasn't gonna be pretty. "Yes, but that's not really any option anymore." Riley replies, with a light giggle. Evan deserved what he was about to get, and she knew it.

"Don't call her that." Lucas bites, coldly. This wasn't a time to call Lucas' threat a bluff, but of course, Evan didn't care. "It's my nickname for her. Got a problem with it?" Evan quips, in the lowest voice he could muster. Lucas laughs, bitterly.

"You're a goner."

Lucas' knuckles collide to Evan's jaw in a matter of minuscule seconds. Evan retaliates by forcefully shoving Lucas backwards, and stretches out his sore jaw. As soon as Lucas is able to plant his feet firmly on the ground, he's nailing Evan to the wall.

Okay, now Riley's a bit worried. She carefully hobbles over to the both of them. She gently places her hand on Lucas' bicep, causing him to tear his glare from Evan. He's locked into her big, brown, innocent eyes, immediately.

"Please." Riley simply states. One look at her pleading eyes, and he's already loosening his grip on Evan. He drops his tensed shoulders, and looks back to Evan. "Don't test me." Lucas warns, and lets go of him, completely.

Evan scatters away, and as soon as he's out of sight Lucas turns back to Riley. "I'm sorry." He apologizes, ashamed that Riley witnessed that scene. "No, no, it's okay. I'm not mad. He deserved a hell of a lot worst." Riley assured. He's quite shocked at her choice of words.

"Riley, you just said 'hell.' You don't swear, like ever." Lucas reminded. "I guess, I'm growing up." Riley tried to wave it off. "Why would you want to do that?" He asks, hoping no one teased her for her youthful spirit, again. He'd hate to have to threaten two people in one day.

"Let's be real, Lucas. I'm immature." She mumbled, hoping he didn't hear. She doesn't want to have this conversation where he convinces her to be herself, though he chose Maya over her when she was being herself.

Riley looses her balance and starts falling, but Lucas catches her waist, keeping her up. He pulls her back up, but still holds her waist. "Who told you that?" He asks, bluntly. "What? No one." She answers, nonchalantly.

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