shop until your dress drops.

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*** this is smut ***

Tonight, Lucas' parents are being honored at the Kirkland Charity Dinner, and I'm going as his date. He insisted on going shopping with me for my dress. I'm in one of the fitting rooms, here at Nordstrom, trying on a strapless, dark grey cocktail dress.

"Okay, babe. You can come in." I announce to Lucas, who is waiting outside. I unlock the door. He opens the door, but stops dead in his tracks, his jaw drops. Is that a good thing?

"What is it? Does is look bad? Is it too showy? Or too conservative? I can try something else on." I worry, like always. I love his parents, but they're extremely classy people.

"No, no. You look gorgeous, Princess." He assures, shutting and locking the door.

"Are you sure? I don't want to stick out like a sore thumb." He knows, I don't like attention. I lean against the armrest of the large, beige, lounge chair that is opposite to the mirror.

"No matter what you wear, you're gonna stand out, baby." He says, chuckling. He makes his way to me, and takes my hand.

"What do you mean?" I quip, nervously. He lets out a laugh, knowing I'm worried. I'm glad he's finding this all amusing. This is a very fancy smancy dinner. New York's most elite will be attending, or so I've heard.

"You always stand out because you're the most beautiful girl in every room you walk in." He shares, smirking. That sly dog, real smooth. I giggle, but still manage to roll my eyes at his corny attempt to compliment me. "I'm serious." He confirms, causing me to shake my head, still laughing.

"Oh, I'm sure." I taunt. He hates when I don't take his compliments seriously. He rolls his eyes, in defeat. "Okay, so this dress? Or should I keep trying them on?" I ask, I always ask for his or Maya's opinion on everything. It's one of my many flaws, insecure and unsure of myself.

"I think you look beautiful in this one." He answers, pecking my cheek.

"Are you sure you're not just saying that so we can eat earlier?" I question, while smirking.

"I'm in no rush, the longer I'm with you, the better." He flatters. I giggle, he never fails to turn everything into a cliché movie line, not that I mind. He's adorable. "But I do really like you in this dress." He assures with a cheeky grin.

"Okay, I'll get this one. You wanna eat at Red Robin or Hibachi?" I quiz. I'm up for either, or even both. Don't judge, I heart food.

"Whatever you want, Princess." He passes the decision to me. Hm, they're both so good, but I want a burger.

"Red Robin." I decide, looking forward to their French fries. "Hey, before you go, can you unzip me?" I ask, already turning around and pulling my hair out of the way.

"Mhm." He unzips me, and I soon feel his warm hands glide over my back. I feel him leaving a trail of soft kisses on my shoulder. I hold the dress over my chest, that way it doesn't fall. He grips my hips, and kisses the crook of my neck.

"Lucas." I warn, but he doesn't stop on my account. "Lucas Friar, we're in a store." I remind, but he still doesn't seem to care. He nibbles on my ear load. "Lucas Joseph Friar, go out of here so I can change." I demand, but it came out as more of a moany whisper, than a stern instruction.

"Come on, baby." He tempts, but I'm not giving in.

It's not like I'm a virgin. What? I'm a teenager. I have hormones. You'd understand if you saw him shirtless. Or saw him at all, really. I'm on birth control, and so it'd be safe, but the point is, is that we're in public. And I'm loud.

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