burnt tarts and hurt hearts.

948 18 5

Walking into my mother's bakery where my friends and I are meeting, I see everyone had already beat me here. That's not what surprised me. Seeing my best friend and boyfriend sitting so close, not leaving any room for me surprised me.

The two hadn't even acknowledged my presence, they were too caught up in conversation. Realizing they wouldn't be scooting over to let me sit beside my boyfriend anytime soon, I take the only empty seat beside Zay.

Instead of taking any interest in Smackle and Farkle's debate over macromolecules, I keep my gaze fixated on the chatty duo. I never in a million years thought I'd ever be jealous of Maya's connection with Lucas again, but here I am. I don't want to be the crazy, jealous girlfriend, but seeing my best friend giggling with him, my heart can't help but ache.

Zay, who I assume followed my eyes, gives me a sorry smile which I return with a hopefully convincing grin.

"Riley, tell him I'm right!" I hear Smackle exclaim, pulling me into their disagreement. Lucas and Maya's attention is drawn to me, finally.

"Riles, I didn't realize you were here yet." Maya blurts, running a hand through her hair. The ash blonde to her left agrees, nodding his head. Cat got your tongue?

"Yeah, I got here a couple minutes ago so-"

"Riley, sweetie?" I crane my neck at the sound of my mom's melodic voice, who stands behind the counter. "I hate to ask you this when you're with your friends, but do you think you can help me in the kitchen? Maggie called in sick therefore I'm low on staff."

"Sure, mom." I unwillingly reply, not wanting to let Maya and Lucas out of my sight. How terrible does that make me? It's not like I think there's something going on behind my back with them, but seeing them together like this, they just - they look like a couple.

"I knew I had you for a reason." She jokes, laughing. "Can you make the strawberry tarts, while I wait the tables?" Nodding, I leave my friends, giving Lucas one last glance which he doesn't return.

Ever so often I'd sneak a peek, only to be disappointed. I didn't think it was possible for them to scoot any closer, but eyes are deceiving. Sighing, I slide the tray of uncooked tarts in the oven, ignoring the sound of his laugh coming from the front of the bakery.

I can't listen to this anymore. I slump down on one of the stools in the kitchen, and plug in my earphones. And because I'm the most dramatic person to ever walk the planet, I play Adele. Scrolling through my twitter feed, playing "1010," or looking at the Cosmopolitan snapchat news, I'd do anything to take my mind off of what could possibly be playing out in my mother's bakery.


Still focused on my phone, I feel a pair of hands shake me. Yanking the earphones out of my ears, I hurriedly spin on the stool where Lucas was staring at me with worry.

Before I ask what's wrong, a burning scent invades my nostrils. The tarts! Looking to the oven, I see Maya pulling out the charred pastries.

"I completely forgot about them. I'm sorry, I didn't hear them." I apologize, feeling so stupid. "Tell my mom I'll make a new batch."

"Calm down, Riles. It's okay, I'll tell her." Maya assures, finding amusement in the situation. "Come on, Huckleberry. We should go, it's almost closing time."


I know she wasn't trying to insinuate anything, but that word. I hate it. It physically and emotionally pains me, stupid pronouns.

"Yeah, okay." And he follows her. He follows my best friend. Is he going to walk her home? Stop! Don't do that, don't go there.

It shouldn't upset me that he didn't give me a, "goodbye kiss," - or even in the least say, "goodbye." But it does, it hits me hard.

Before starting the new batch, I sulk back on the stool and drop my face in my hands. I'm loosing my mind.

"Riley, what's wrong?" Picking my head up at the sound of his voice, I see my boyfriend standing in the doorway of the bakery kitchen.

"I thought you were leaving with Maya?" Hopefully he wouldn't pick up on the hitch in my voice.

"Yeah I was, but I forgot something." I look around the kitchen, thinking he left his jacket or phone, but no such luck. "I forgot to tell my girlfriend goodbye."

"Oh - um, bye. I'll see you tomorrow." I offer, with a forced smile.

Turning around, he notifies someone, "I'm gonna stay for a bit." I assume he was talking to my best friend.

"You don't have to stay, Lucas. I swear I won't start a fire with out supervision." I joke, not laughing. He looks at me as if he was deciphering the code to the White House. "Are you okay?"

"I don't know, are you? You've seemed kinda weird since you got here." I'm surprised he noticed. Shrugging, I grab a bowl to mix new batter. "I knew you'd hear about the clowns eventually, but I just thought you'd get scared." What's he talking about?

"Huh?" His eyes widen.

"I just figured you head about them, we were hoping you wouldn't hear about them because they scare-"

"We?" I repeat, knowingly.

"Yeah, me and Maya-" I love my best friend, but I swear to god if I hear her and my boyfriend being referenced as a, 'we' one more time I will vomit. So I interrupt before another word of her leaves him mouth, but not with words. Sometimes it's hard to say what you want with words, so I shut him up with a kiss.

A needy, jealous, and possessive kiss because Lucas is my boyfriend. He's mine.

I've never been a fan of how possessive Lucas can get so this probably makes me the biggest hypocrite, but I don't care.

Backing up, I feel the kitchen island behind me. He raises me up so I'm sitting on the counter, my legs wrap around his torso. At the slight feeling of his tongue sweeping against my bottom lip, a shrill pulls us apart.

"Oh my god!" Maya. "I'm sorry to interrupt whatever is going on here, but I left keys."

Before she's gone, I reattach my lips to my boyfriend's. Hearing her ankle booties clacking away I whisper, "Mine."

Long story, short: the tarts weren't the only thing delicious.

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