Picture Quotes From My Phone Ch19

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858. They say: You don't know what you've got til' it's gone.
Truth is: You knew exactly what you had; you just thought you'd never lose it.

859. People who use a lot of swear words tend to be more honest and trustworthy, human behavioral studies suggest.

860. The moment you discover that there is a law in all schools if the teacher does not appear in the first 15 minutes of class, you can leave.

861. I forgive a lot, but I never forget what's said and done.

862. I don't care what people think of me. At least mosquitoes find me attractive.

863. Boys laugh at what they put girls through but they won't be laughing when they're wiping tears off their daughter's face for the same reason.

864. They say you find love in every corner.
My life must be a circle.

865. Old saying: Think, before you speak
New saying: Google, before you post

866. Every tall person needs a short one. <3

867. People who reply to my text 4 hours later with "lol" should be shot.

868. Reasons why I'm single
ONE: I annoy people
TWO: I'm never anyone's first choice
THREE:  I fuck shit up.
FOUR:  I'm just bad with relationships
FIVE: I'm not liked
SIX:  I spend my whole life locked away in a dark room with food and a laptop.

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