Quotes Ch ~2~

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 This chapter is going to be about bitchy insults.
I do have internet today, so I'll be updating every couple days :).
Shall we begin now?


**Some swearing involved


Comebacks and Insults

22. Well babe, I'm sure as soon as you stop spreading your attitude like you spread your legs, life will get better for you.-Unknown

23.You think you are hot snot on a silver platter, but I got news for you. You ain't nothing but a cold booger on a paper plate.-Unknown

24. I see you blocked me. Is it because I speak the truth about you, or because you're just too scared to face reality?-Unknown

25. So, tell me. Did you wish for a bigger dick or just become one instead?-Unknown

26. If I'm such a hoe, why do they call you the 'Slip 'n' Slide?-Unknown

27. You say I'm dirty minded but how did you understand what I meant?-Unknown

28. Bitch please, you're bra has more stuffing than a Build-A-Bear.-Unknown

29. Some people were dropped as babies, you were clearly dropped, thrown up into the air, smacked by a ceiling fan, smacked against the wall, and thrown out of a window.-Unknown

30. Go suck a dry fart out of a dead camels ass.-Unknown

31. Knowledge is key. And you're locked the fuck out.-Unknown

32. I finally found a way to insult someone without them knowing. Just tell them they need to "FOCUS". Fuck Off 'Cause Ur Stupid.-Unknown

33. Honey, you're not popular. Your vagina is.-Unknown

34. It must be true that the speed of light is faster than the speed of sound. You looked pretty bright, until you started talking.-Unknown

35. Well, aren't you just Jersey Shore classy.-Unknown

36. If you're gonna insult me, at least be creative.-Unknown

37. What's the difference between your girlfriend and a walrus? One has a moustache and smells like fish, the other one is a walrus.-Unknown

38. You're awesome? Well without 'me' you're 'a weso', and that's a Boner in Spanish.-Unknown

39. Ah, arrogance and stupidity all in one package. How efficient of you.-Unknown

40. Talk shit, and spit blood. Cause and effect. Learn it Bitch.-Unknown

41. Before you around talking about somebody, turn around and look in the mirror.-Unknown

42. Them chicks can't get on MY level because they're too busy on their knees.-Unknown Burn Baby Burn!

43. So tell me, since you have ALL the answers, how does someone get to be your age and still ignorant as hell?-Unknown

44. Nobody cares about what you say, your words don't matter anyway. So grow up, get a life, and go away.-Unknown

45. You need to take your delusional, bi-polar, psychotic, Prozac eating, shit talking, sleep with anyone, nasty smelling ass to the insane asylum where it belongs.-Unknown


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