Rule Five: Ask Nicely

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Namjoon frowned deeply as he sat in his cubicle. He was bored, once again. He was finished with his work, and his coworkers were all still busy. He wished he could bother someone. However, he was also sure that everyone was getting pretty tired of him interrupting their work. Grabbing a pen, he tapped it on his desk, staring blankly at his computer. Maybe he could bother Yoongi. Though, Yoongi didn't seem to have much time for him for the past several days. He seemed to be shutting himself off from everyone as he worked much harder than usual. He would even lock his office most days to keep Namjoon from interrupting him.

With a heavy sigh, Namjoon left his cubicle and headed straight for Yoongi's office. He could hear his boss speaking. He sounded angry. Pressing his ear to the door, he hoped to catch some of what was being said. He could only hear Yoongi's voice, so he must be on the phone.

"I don't care how much it cost! Just take it!" Yoongi's voice contained an angry growl, like he really couldn't stand the other person."It's yours, so fucking take it! I don't give a shit! Stop calling me when I'm at work!"

Namjoon flinched when he heard Yoongi slam down the phone. He momentarily worried about the possibility of the phone now being broken. Who had called Yoongi? It was definitely not a work-related call. Quietly clearing his throat, Namjoon knocked on the door.

A loud sigh was heard before a response."Come in." Yoongi groaned. When Namjoon entered, he looked up to see the taller man closing the door behind himself. That just made him groan again."Not now, Namjoon. I'm in a horrible mood."

"But, Yoongi-hyung, you haven't given me any attention for a whole week." Namjoon stepped over to the desk and placed his hands atop of it as he peered at his frustrated boss."At least let me put you in a better mood."

"Do you not know how to ask, Namjoon?" Yoongi rubbed his temples, definitely not in the mood to deal with anything right now."You're always just stating what you want and expecting me to go along with it. That's not how this works."

Namjoon pouted and moved around to get behind Yoongi's chair."Come on, Hyung. Let out your frustration on me."

Frowning, Yoongi rolled his eyes as he felt Namjoon's hands touch his shoulders then slide to his chest."You can't always just get what you want."

"Why not?" Namjoon's fingers began to fumble with the top buttons of Yoongi's shirt, opening them."I want you. Are you saying I can't have you?"

Knowing that this might actually put him in a better mood, Yoongi gave in."Fine." He opened the bottom drawer of his desk and pulled out the lube, setting it on his desk."Suck my dick. Then, I'll fuck you."

Excited that he was finally going to get what he wanted, Namjoon moved around Yoongi as his boss scooted the chair back. He got down onto his knees and unzipped Yoongi's pants. He freed his boss's dick and immediately went to work. Wrapping his fingers around the length, he licked the tip a couple times, his tongue teasing the slit.

Yoongi reached a hand down and tangled his fingers into Namjoon's hair. Maybe this was what he needed to feel better. Not just the blowjob or the upcoming sex. He needed Namjoon. He wouldn't admit it right now, but he did feel bad for neglecting him for so long. He was just going through something in his personal life that he wasn't ready to discuss yet. Maybe he would tell Namjoon after this. It was something that he should know since they were involved with each other.

Namjoon took the tip into his mouth, giving it a few suckles before engulfing more of Yoongi's dick. He loved sucking Yoongi's dick. He was a bit of a cock slut. He wasn't ashamed of that fact at all. He would gladly drop down and suck Yoongi's dick whenever his boss wanted. Namjoon moved his fingers away from Yoongi's dick as he started bobbing his head. His hands grabbed Yoongi's thighs, massaging them sensually.

How To Not Get Fired (NamGi) SmutShot Series 🔞Where stories live. Discover now