Rule One: Watch Your Mouth

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Namjoon poked his head up, peeking over the side of his cubicle with a devious grin on his face. He chuckled to himself and threw a wad of paper at Hoseok, who was working diligently. He felt triumphant when the wad hit the side of Hoseok's head. As soon as Hoseok looked up at him, Namjoon ducked down. He could hear the other man sigh.

"Namjoon, why aren't you working?" Hoseok asked calmly.

"I'm all done." Namjoon was always speedy with his work. This job was easy for him. His high IQ certainly helped. Due to being so efficient, he often got bored. This led to him pestering the people around him.

Hoseok grumbled quietly before speaking again."You better behave, or Mr. Min might fire you for being obnoxious."

Namjoon knew there was a big possibility that he could get fired. Despite how great it must be to have someone as smart as him, it must also be a nuisance to deal with his unprofessional behavior."Yeah, I know. What's Mr. Min's problem anyway? He's always so cranky."

"I don't know, Namjoon, but that's not really any of our business." Hoseok didn't think it was a good idea to talk about Mr. Min while they were in the office. They might be overheard."He's the boss. Just do as he says and don't piss him off."

"I think he needs to get laid." Namjoon said with no vocal restraints. He didn't think he would be heard. Mr. Min was always working so hard in his private office, so he very rarely came around them.

"Namjoon!" Hoseok hissed."Watch your mouth. You're going to get yourself in trouble."

With a roll of his eyes, Namjoon leaned back in his chair and started tossing a wad of paper upward, catching it each time it came back down."Not gonna lie though. Mr. Min is hot. I'd suck his dick any day."

"Namjoon, I'm begging you." Hoseok sounded desperate."Please stop talking. I'm trying to concentrate. Unlike you, I still have plenty of work to get done."

With that, Namjoon sighed and messed with random things on his desk to occupy himself. He was just so bored. It felt like hours went by, but it might have been only one hour. Namjoon was nearly asleep in his chair when an announcement was made, startling him awake.

"Kim Namjoon, please report to my office." It was Mr. Min's voice."Now."

Hoseok made a quiet whistle."He doesn't sound happy. I mean, he never does, but he sounded crankier than usual. Maybe he's finally tired of you wasting time."

Letting out a soft sigh, Namjoon got up from his chair."Guess I am finally getting fired." He wouldn't be the least bit surprised if he got fired. He did tend to goof off after getting his work done. Stepping away from his cubicle, he made a bee line for the boss's office. He knocked twice on the door.

"You may enter." came Mr. Min's unhappy voice.

Namjoon opened the door and entered the office."You need to see me, Sir?"

"Close the door." The boss was sitting at his desk, sifting through so much paperwork. The surface of his desk was completely covered in work that needed to be done. The boss was Min Yoongi, small but intimidating."Have a seat."

After closing the door, Namjoon seated himself in one of the two chairs in front of his boss's desk."Am I in trouble?" he asked with a little caution in his tone.

Yoongi didn't even look up from his papers."Yes, you are, but that won't be a problem soon enough."

"You're firing me, aren't you?" Even though Namjoon goofed off and acted like he was carefree, he really did need this job. He would be in financial trouble if he lost this job.

Now Yoongi looked up from his papers."I don't have to."

Namjoon perked up just slightly at those words. That meant there was a way he could keep his job."Please don't fire me. I'll do anything to keep this job."

How To Not Get Fired (NamGi) SmutShot Series 🔞Where stories live. Discover now