"Thank you."

"Huh?" Did I hear her right?

"I said thank you." She smiled so brightly at me.

I hung my head down to hide my smile. "Why are you not looking at me?"

I lifted my head up to look her eyes straight. "I am."

She laughed. It was even more beautiful. It reached her eyes. I loved watching her like that.

"Tell me about yourself." She told me all of a sudden.

"What do you want to know?"

"Everything. Start by your full name."

"Aiden Eugene Miller Smith. I was born on 27th of March 1980. I took up Bachelor of Science in Business Administration at Harvard University.  After I graduated college, I followed my father's footsteps and became the CEO of my Smith Clothing Company, Inc. at the States. After four years, here I am."

She nodded as she listened to me eagerly. "What about your favorites, hobbies, talent and skills?"

"Oh. My favorite food is lasagna. Blue is my favorite color. I love playing basketball. I enjoy art too. I can draw really well. I suck at music. Too bad."

"I guess we have so many things in common."


She nodded. "My favorite food is lasagna too. Of all colors, my favorite is blue. I don't play basketball but I love watching it. Of course, I'm good at art. I'm a designer after all." She leaned forward and whispered. "I suck at music too."

I laughed really hard. I was even more glad when she laughed along with me.
We really had so many things in common indeed. That was when I thought we could be close friends.

"What's your favorite movie?"

"Anything that is action and thriller."

She pouted. "I love romcoms."

"Of course you do. Almost all women do. Why though?"

"Because they're nice and funny."

"Really? Or is it because there are lots kissing scenes."


I laughed. "I was just kidding."

She looked at her watch. "Don't you think it's time to go now?"

I looked at watch. It was almost 8:30. "I think so. Let's go."

We stood up and went outside the restaurant after paying and leaving a tip.

"Thank you."

I just smiled at her in response as I opened the door of my car for her. When I got into the driver's seat, she was already buckling up. Too bad, I wanted to do that too.

"Where do you live?"

She typed something on her phone and gave it to me after. It was her address.

I started pulling out from the parking lot and soon we were on the road to her place. "It's far from the company. Do you take the bus in going to work?"

"Yeah. I have to wake up so early in the morning to catch the first trip. I'm getting used to it already."

It must be hard on her. I felt like dropping by at her place every morning and go to work together. I would make sure to remind myself and do that if I had a chance.

I decided to express my thoughts about it. "It must be hard on you."

"It was at first. But, it's life. I have to get used to it."

"By the way, how long have you worked in the company?"

"A week?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"I thought you work there for ages already."

"Nah. I applied there after my..." She trailed off.

"After your what?"

"Woah. Isn't it beautiful?" She looked outside by the window.

She was changing the subject. Why couldn't she just tell me though? Was it really that bad? I was itching to know.

I acted cool and agreed with her. "That what makes Paris beautiful at night."

"The city lights are really beautiful."

Not as much as you.

I wanted to say. Good thing I managed to hold my tongue back this time.

I glanced at her shortly as I continued to drive. She was so envious of the of the beautiful city and the lights.



"Here you go." I pulled up at the apartment building she was staying and hurriedly got out to open the door for her.

"Thank you for the dinner and for driving me home. I enjoyed tonight."

"It's a pleasure for me." I scratched my head, a habit when I was hesitant to ask something. "Will there be a next time?"

She suddenly laughed. "You're so cute."


I wanted to be compliment by her but, cute? Did I really sound like it?

"So?" I wanted to know.

"I guess so."


She shook her head, smiling. "Thank you again. Goodnight."

"Good night. Thank you so much too."

She bowed. "I should go now."

I agreed. "Yeah. It's getting cold."

She smiled one last time before walking in at the building.

I couldn't help the smile as I drove to my own apartment.

Tonight is... unforgettable.

- End of the Chapter -

Please.don't forget to...

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