Logistics of Love...

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The whirring builds;

growing from vanishing edges of Sapphire depths…

Vibration pitched to frequency stirring all

within your periphery ~


Uttered word adheres to rugged contours

rounded by your boundless Soul, and

Heart unfathomed…Love itself is conjured

within your voice…

Unwavering strength opens warmly

extending tenderness, you share palm up,

I most happily abide, touched by simple joys,

within your hands…


Smoldering heat ignites blue flame in yours,

catches mine, to spark, inside torrents rage,

while each seeks equal territory revealed

within your eyes…


Once held by sueded steel walls

of wanting welcome, I cling to center…to home.

All tomorrows beyond cusp of star cast night, found.

"And in your arms"…my forever                                              

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