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Hearts have spoken,

       Souls have answered~


Once known, this light alone,

will two souls, forever seek;

in seamless crossings sailed,

through borderlands they inhabit

passages open, spilling into purpled

expanse, of restless seas beyond.


Hasty stars rushing their entrance,

seek staged skies of gilded wonder,

cresting dusk rise, to blaze midnight eyes,

darkened through new intensity,

with  flame shot eternity!


Comets flashing portents

streak into hoping hearts…

whispering of this Major Return,

in ancient tongue, tasting of Loves  roots.

Silence hushes this time of gestation,

in the deep, breathe of it heavily.


This vast “Temple of Stars” houses

wheeled symbols ever turning…

in this space resides room enough,

 for hopeful hearts to finally realize

their purposed gifts, midst ruins

that transform, becoming foundations

of Loves own design.



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