Cold Fusion

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This frail wan morn, February sifting

whitest tracing, powdered heaps.

Sparkling wings, embossed snow banks drifting,

angel kisses, lips sweetest reap.

Prayers ‘pon waking, wings take flight,

zephyrs trail flames emblazon bright,

 heaven above viewing this sight.

Crystal blossoms swirled round them,

Chorales, a psalm sung Natures’ choice.

Aurora rising greets Cardinals’ song,

high upon bare branches preening.

As twinkling stars wink their low, sly so-longs,

bower o’er lovers convening .

Celebrate rare time together,

neither minding harsher weather;

blue gaze focus flash forever.

Blends of Soul tends unending hymns,

harmonized as one true voice.

A clench of hearts clung tween fingers laced,

melting snow beneath each footprint.

Kisses brush hot sear wherever placed,

causing glow of blushing intent.

Sharing all wonders Life can bring,

days ahead not missing a thing,

This year they two, usher in spring,

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