Chapter 20: The Task At Hand

Start from the beginning

"I doubt it." Basant replied. "Your best bet would be to wait until tomorrow and see what happens from there."

"I'm getting more irritated by the second." Lilith said pinching her nose.

"I'm sorry, but it has to be this way." Basant replied. "There's nothing more that I can-"

"Basant, who are you talking too out there?" I heard from inside the door. Basant tensed up and turned around to face the door.

"It's just some guests that wish to speak with Xerneas." Basant replied.

"Well have you told them-" The voice was cut off for a minute, interrupted by something. "Let them enter."

"What? But what about-"

"It's coming from her." The voice replied. Basant gave a sigh, relaxing a little bit.

"As you wish." Basant said consenting. The doors opened up and Basant let us in with an uncomfortable stare. As we walked in, we saw three figures. One was obviously Xerneas from her towering size over the other two figures, but as the light of day pierced the room, the figures were two Aegislash's standing beside her, both in Shield Forme. As we entered the room, the door closed behind us and we were face to face with Xerneas. As I took her in, her antlers were still shining with a variety of colors. She was still feeling the effects from Geomancy. I guess we were in her master room as she was preparing to rest. When her eyes fell on Caius, I saw her eyes widen. This confused me, obviously she had seen Mordred, so what surprised her about Caius? Was it just his arm or... I thought about reading her mind, but even I know my place on whether or not to listen in on someone's thoughts. After a minute of silence, the Aegislash on his right spoke up.

"I am Eduard, Second general of Chai."

"And I am Gunvar, Third general of Chai." The Aegislash on the left said. "Who are all of you?"

"There is no need for introductions, I already know all of them." Xerneas said.

"Wait what?" I said a bit confused. "How?" Xerneas smiled at my question.

"Let's just say that I've heard about all six of you for a while now." Xerneas replied. I had to know, was it through some kind of resource? I tried reading her mind, but all I could hear from her thoughts were of the recent battle! It was driving me nuts! How did she know?

"Wait, six? Including Ayah?" Caius asked. Xerneas nodded his head.

"Especially Ayah." Xerneas replied. "But you wanted to speak with me Caius?" Caius took a second to snap himself out of it, then nodded his head.

"Yeah." Caius replied. He put his scythe on the wall and used his claw to dig into the satchel and dug out the book and the letter. Xerneas watched Caius closely. Did she not trust him? Even after what he just did for her? As Caius took a step towards Xerneas to hand the book over, Gunvar jumped from his Shield Forme and went into Blade Forme. Caius stopped in his tracks when he saw this. Ayah, however, glared at Gunvar, no doubt ready to spit fire at it in case he tried something.

"Gunvar, it's alright, let him hand it over." Xerneas said. Gunvar took a look at Xerneas, then back to Caius, and then jumped back into his Shield Forme. It took Caius a second to regain his wits before he continued walking towards Xerneas. As he handed the book and the letter over to Xerneas, Xerneas opened the book to its first page, then the next, then the next, until she had gotten about halfway throughout the book. Once she turned to a certain page, she gasped and staggered back a step. This alarmed Gunvar and Eduard enough to switch into Blade Forme.

"I knew we shouldn't have trusted a general of Karma!" Gunvar said glaring at Caius.

"Whoa hey! All we did was deliver a book and a letter! What did we do?!" Caius asked.

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