Chapter 17: Insanity

Start from the beginning

"That definitely doesn't sound like the Yveltal we know." Lilith said walking down the stairs.

"Soon after that, he began to act aggressively with others." Basant said grimly. "We were forced to detain him into the capitol building until we could find out what was driving him this way."

"You never found out what, did you?" Sarah asked.

"No, but we had a few hunches. None of them would make any sense until you all showed up." Basant confirmed. We looked at Basant in confusion.

"And why is that?" Lilith asked. Basant turned his head towards us.

"We had to hear it from you, in case something happened to him in Balachandra." Basant replied. "There were too many possibilities with what was happening with Yveltal."

"I'm guessing his state got worse." Carinthia said.

"Sadly, yes." Basant replied. "He got so bad, that he started demanding that he get life offerings from other Pokémon."

"That's a bit drastic." I said flinching.

"Try a lot drastic." Lilith corrected. "I can't see him acting this way unless something happened to him."

"And something did happen." Basant confirmed. He turned his head back forward to focus on the stairs as he drew in a deep breath.

"I'm guessing this is where I come in." I said looking at Basant.

"According to what he told Xerneas when he entered Adom, he said that he had shared his life, his soul, with one of his generals, or to be exact, he named you out specifically." Basant said plainly.

"I feel like I know where this is going." Sarah said feeling uneasy.

"This didn't used to be a prison." Basant said. We felt the ground shake again, this time, much harder than the last time. "This actually used to be where the old meeting hall was, but as you can see, we've had to turn it into one for the safety of Adom."

"It's so unsettling to know that this all happened within three-hundred years." Kathrin said shuddering.

"I can start to feel his aura." I said feeling darker.

"It's been getting worse the longer he's been here." Basant said shuddering as well.

"Well how long has he been in here?" Sarah asked. I felt like I didn't want to know, but at the same time I did.

"He's been trapped under here for two-hundred and twenty years." Basant replied. I nearly tripped and fell at the response. Luckily, I used my scythe to stop myself from plummeting down the rest of the stairs.

"Holy Arceus! That long!?" Carinthia said stumbling.

"And it's all because of what happened with time travel." Basant stated.

"Care to explain?" I asked. We arrived at the bottom of the stairs, leading to a large eighty-foot door, just like the one back upstairs, and just like the previous door, it had a large chain with a large lock.

"Oh Arceus, I can feel the aura!" Kathrin said having a hard time breathing.

"So, this is the theory." Basant began. "Since the five of you left, or more specifically, Caius, he started to lose all sense of himself. He shared his soul with him and now, because of the long-time gap in between his departure and arrival, it's driven him mad. He's completely lost it. Every time we have sent someone in to give food and water to him, we have to send in multiple highly trained guards to make sure they even come back with all their limbs." I flinched at the statement, but let him continue. I'm sure he didn't mean to touch up a few nerves.

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