“You didn't know what ?” I asked.

“I didn't know you were gay.” she said truthfully.

“I'm not gay. I mean....Wait you think i'm gay?” I asked my eyes widening.

“You sure are. Maybe bi, cause you have the stupid tendency of drooling about tv shows stars. But hey, don't worry. I'm totally cool with that. You can love whoever you want even if it's a girl. As long as Lauren makes you happy.”

“Wait you think I Love Lauren??” I asked again.

“Maybe not Love. But you definitely have a thing for her. Like you wouldn't mind...dating her?” she asked.

“I don't know I haven't thought about that.” I partially lied.

“Would you mind kissing her?” she asked again.

“Nope. Definitely not.” I answered truthfully.

“Babe, you definitely want her as more than as friend then.”

I remained silent realizing that was true.

“Well I hope she won't hurt you.” she said.

“But, she is not gay.”

“You won't know until you ask her.” she paused “Anyway I gotta go. Talk to you soon.” and she hung up.

I had a thing for Lauren, now that was a sure thing. Her being gay, that was definitely another story. Maybe she liked me just as a friend. Of course she liked me only as a friend. Why would she like me as more? I'm like nothing and she is like perfect. And with that all the confidence I had found disappeared and the nervousness came back. My phone buzzed once showing that I had received a text and I quickly looked at it.

From Lauren :* :

I don't know who you are talking to on the phone rn, but tell them to hang up. I'm trying to call and I end up directly on the voice mail.

Come on hang up, I wanna talk to you. ;(

I smiled quickly at how cute she was and I typed my answer trying to forget about the newly found nervousness in me.

To Lauren :* :

You can call me now. I'll answer.

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