"It's okay. I couldn't sleep anyway."

Start from the beginning

"Eat up, shorty! Isn't this delicious?" Hanji then shoved another spoonful at Erwin then Mike.

"Tch. Too cold, too vanilla." He muttered.

However Hanji seemed to have interpreted it in a wrong way as she eyed Levi devilishly. "Ah, not a fan of vanilla are you? Remind me to warn (Y/n)." She laughed darkly.

Again, he just clicked his tongue before continuing walking towards you. He walked up behind you and noticed that you were done with your second cup and stood to grab another. The moment you faced him, you saluted sloppily before pointing at your cup.

"Sir! I think you should enjoy this damned creation!" You happily said while kissing your ice cream cup.

"I think you should slow down the ice cream brat, it's rather...cold." He eyed your cup before eyeing you. You suddenly blushed and looked down. He then tilted your head up, forcing you to look at him. "You'd get cold, (Y/n)." He said softly.

"I'll be fine, corporal." You smiled weakly before running away to get another cup.

He rolled his eyes, however he found himself smiling knowing it would be an eventful night ahead. He then shook his head, walking away to his room where he would prepare a jumper for you. Christa, Ymir and Sasha meanwhile sat unnoticed, only to be left with their mouths hanging as they saw their beloved corporal smiling, because of you.


"He was just...a bit concerned. That's all." You mumbled, gripping your blanket a little too tightly.

"Keep telling yourself that, nuthead." Sasha chuckled as she struggled to find warmth. "Remember the time this happened last year?" She added, facing you with a big smirk on her face.

"That was a different case! You guys pushed me into the water, and may I remind you that being submerged in freezing water is more fucking cold than six cups of ice cream! I froze not because of my own accord." You scoffed at them, however a faint blush appeared in your cheeks that gave off a little bit of warmth. 

"Yeah right, different case my ass. You were wandering in the halls then 'accidentally' found yourself in the corporal's room. And may I remind you that being forced to run 100 laps in a freezing December, with your boots getting all soaked up with the freaking snow is more cold than the fucking water AND the fucking ice cream!" Ymir mocked back at you that only caused Christa to faintly chuckle and to Sasha grumble, remembering her and Ymir's bitter fate.

You paused to remember how Levi found you chattering in the hallway and taking you in to his office to warm you off by his fireplace and his precious black tea. He then asked how you got so cold and told him how Sasha and Ymir pushed you off to the crack off the frozen lake. He scoffed but continued writing paperworks, much to your disappointment. You felt that he felt nothing at all. But the next day, Ymir and Sasha appeared frozen in the mess hall with the 104th training corps warming them up. They told you they ran the entire evening because of the stunt they pulled.

"Well, that ain't my fault. Screw this I'm out." You finally had enough and walked out of the room, finally starting your search for the warmest room in the corps. The three merely laughed at this as they knew this moment would come. They knew you'd search for warmth soon, and they knew you'd only find it none other than the corporal's room.

"Make sure to have protected sex, (Y/n)!" Sasha shouted as you closed the door, leaving the now more warmer area and room.

Gripping your blanket, you treaded the hallway as you searched for refuge from the bitterly cold atmosphere. You went door to door, trying to feel if the room radiated warmth through the crack underneath the door. Each crack you felt with your hands but none seemed to offer you the thing you were looking for.  Almost all hope was lost when you spotted light coming from one room. Without any hesitations, you tried to open the door but it was locked. So it left you no choice but to warm yourself through the heat it radiates through the small crack underneath. You sat there, wrapped up in the shitty blanket, chattering loudly for about fifteen minutes when the door opened and somebody wrapped their arms around your waist and you were carried in safety.

You panicked at first, but the moment you faced the unknown person you were shocked to see the corporal himself, with his glorious stoic face. He turned his head a bit to face you, making eye contact, causing you to blush hard; your cheeks finally giving off the heat you needed. He sighed before placing you gently in his bed, the warm bed that you immediately allowed yourself to be enveloped in. You wrapped yourself up in the thick comforter that only the higher-ups had the privilege of having, and closed your eyes, enjoying the warmth it provided you.

You smiled with closed eyes as you felt it slowly warming you. Although Levi enjoyed seeing you like that, he softly unwrapped you from the comforter, causing you to almost cuss at him, but he raised your arms and dressed you up in a thick woolen jumper that was evidently his. His clean scent filled you causing you to relax, much to his happiness. Levi closed the lamp and laid down, pulling you to lie too. He wrapped the comforter to the both of you before closing his eyes, sleeping with his arms to himself, and face to face with you.

You on the other hand, remained awake, confused as to how this happened. You tried opening your mouth to speak for a few times, but you couldn't find the words to start the conversation.

"I heard chattering from outside. I knew it was you." Levi said with eyes still closed.

You looked away from him and focused at your hands that were still cold, trying to warm them by holding them close to you. You were shocked to look back at Levi whose eyes were now open and looking at you softly. He clicked his tongue before taking your hands on his and warming it up by blowing warm air in it. You blushed madly and merely looked away, avoiding looking back at him. Levi softly chuckled before planting kisses at your fingertips and hands.

You couldn't quite comprehend but you knew your friends were right, the corporal was so into you. And this was just him confessing his love to you, on a cold December night. Too confused with what to say all you spoke and shyly said, "I'm sorry..."

"For what?" Levi whispered, looking at you.

"For waking you up, for being such a nuisance."

He smiled softly before kissing your forehead and leaning his forehead on yours. "It's okay. I couldn't sleep anyway."



A Few Ways to Say "I Love You"   // Levi Ackerman x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now