-Broken promises [Chapter 75]

Start from the beginning

“Oh my god what the hell happened Ashley?! Zayn told me about last night. What even did happen though? Is Niall okay? Why the hell did he punch a window and where were you? Why did you just leave last night and were like crying your eyes out?!”

She rushed. I closed my eyes as I sucked in a deep breath through my teeth. I wasn’t in the mood to answer questions. I didn’t need to be reminded of how stupid I am. I didn’t need to be reminded of what I lost. But most of all I just didn’t need to be reminded of Niall. Even though I can’t get him out of my head for the life of me.

“We broke up. That is all I have to say.”

I choked trying to cover up the fact that I was crying again now but it didn’t come out very well and even Mallory, being the dim person she is sometimes, picked up on that.

“You’re crying. Ashley that’s it I’ll be over in half an hour. This is urgent.”

And with that she hung up leaving me there with my tissues and pitiful sobs.

Niall’s POV:

I fumbled with the ring between my fingers that I was going to give to her last night. A promise ring. Things hadn’t been going that well lately on the behalf of everyone else who was supposed to be supporting and if not at least accepting our relationship. Yeah right. All that last night promised was heartbreak. I wanted some re-assurance that she was prepared to stick through this with me because I love her and I wanted us to work even through everything that was being thrown at us. How stupid was I? Why would she stick to me when she has so many other guys falling at her feet? In fact I bet she probably has a new guy right now, she made it pretty clear last night that she didn’t care about me. I wanted to say that the feeling was mutual but that’s be one of the biggest loads of bull shit I’d ever said.

She has more important things in her life than me; she can do better than me. She’s so talented and beautiful, funny, sweet, cute and so many other adjectives spring to mind but she’s just perfect and I should have known she wouldn’t hang around with me forever. Sure it was nice while it lasted, nice? It was freaking amazing. I was pretty damn sure she loved me and I love her back more than anything but last night…she just, she really hurt me. I probably hurt her, I mean, the whole Chelsea thing. I should have seen it coming, the way she was eyeing up Ashley and watching us all the time and then when Ashley went to the toilet it was just the perfect opportunity for Chelsea to really fuck things up and that’s just what she did. Maybe I’m grateful that she didn’t do anything to Ashley directly but what she did do…it’s just absolutely horrible.

I hadn’t slept yet and to be honest I didn’t think I would for a while. I can’t sleep with all this going on in my head; I can’t get her out of my head and what she said last night. I don’t love you and I won’t miss you. Did she really mean that? All those times she told me she loved me and she missed me, was she lying? No. Ashley’s not like that I know she wouldn’t have been leading me on for over eight months, I just know. But last night she just seemed so genuine with her words it hurt so badly.  It was in-describable how much this hurt right now, this isn’t even heartbreak this is something worse. I’m at a loss; I don’t know what to do with myself without her. The pain that I can’t call her mine anymore. The constant thought that I’ll never be able to hug her and kiss her like we were just last night before everything went wrong and the fact that I’ll never be able to tell her I love her and receive the same back, tell her she’s beautiful and that she’s my everything. Never. Again.

Another tear slipped down my cheek. I hastily wiped it away cursing under my breath. I had never cried over a girl before but her, freaking hell the tears would not stop. She meant and still does mean so much to me. What got me though was that everything was so perfect before then. She seemed genuinely pleased to see me again after 2 and a half weeks apart and we were laughing, joking, kissing and everything was normal. But when she told me all those things it didn’t seem like a one off, everything she said it couldn’t have been on the spot. It seemed as if she’d been thinking about what to say for a while, like she’d been stressing over that moment for a while.

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