-He never shuts up about you [Chapter 39]

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Ireland Chapters-

Ashley’s POV:

“Ash, wake up, we’re going back to Ireland love”

Niall’s husky morning voice whispered as he pressed his lips to the tip of my nose, I smiled flickering my eyes open to meet his. I shifted underneath the covers to a warmer patch and closer to him.

“I know”

I replied the smile clear in my voice that he returned.

“Well, I hope you can do 20 minutes to get ready”

He chuckled lacing our fingers together underneath the covers. My eyes widened and I threw back the covers jumping out of bed and hastily throwing random items of clothing into my suitcase that were scattered across the floor.

“What the fuck?! I can’t shower and get ready in 20 minutes, who do you think I am?!”

I panicked studying myself in the mirror and pulling a brush through the tangles in my hair as Niall laughed at my panic.

“It’s not funny!”

I protested.

“Babe, relax, you don’t have to have a shower now, have one when we get there. It’s not like we’re going anywhere else, just the airport then straight to Mullingar, it’ll be fine”

He re-assured me and I exhaled heavily throwing my hairbrush into my suitcase.

“Seriously Niall, why do you do these things to me?”

I complained taking out my make-up bag and beginning to apply primer and eye-liner as he watched me.

“Did you really think I’d make you shower and everything you do in 20 minutes? You’re so gullible”

He chuckled sitting up in bed and running a hand through his hair.

“You are not one to talk about being gullible Niall Horan”

I wagged a finger at him putting extra emphasis on the word ‘not’ as I swept the mascara wand over my lashes several times coating them in the thin black mixture that was mascara.

“Shut up…that wasn’t funny”

“It actually was your face! I swear you were gonna like cry you were like-“

“Yeah okay I get it, shut up now. You may never do that to me again, okay?”

I giggled beginning to sweep foundation powder over my face and proceeded to go over the top with concealer. Needless to say Niall was still in bed watching me, when we had to leave in ten minutes; guys have it so much easier.

“We’ll see”

I teased. Finishing up with a clear lip balm I packed my make-up away and put it back into one of my bags and satisfied that everything that was going to go in there zipped it up and chucked it across the room so it landed by the door.

Niall shook his head at me smiling smugly.

“One day, I’ll get you back when you least expect it”

He said tauntingly as he slid out of the covers and raked through a pile of his clothes taking out some jeans and a plaid shirt before chucking the pile of clothes un-tidily into his suitcase and sitting on it to zip it up getting a few things jammed in the zip on the way. I rolled my eyes at his attempts at packing.

“You’re only taking one bag?”

I questioned as I chose my clothes for today putting the rest of them into my suitcase.

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