.::New Girl::.

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.::Y/n P.O.V::.

The dance was amazing, my first kiss, with the one and only Griff Jones. An actual kiss, on MY lips.
I woke up and looked around, I'm the only one in the room. Griff wasn't even in the cabin. I got up and smiled opening my bag and taking out a some clothes for the day.

 I got up and smiled opening my bag and taking out a some clothes for the day

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I walked out and closed the door behind me.

I kept walking and felt my hat get token off of my head. "Hey-...oh hey Xander" I said looking at him "this hat looks good on me,...dosnt it?" I laughed "yes it looks good, now...gimme is back" I said reaching for it "oh fine" he said taking it off and putting it back on my head "thanks,...anyways, have you seen Griff" I said he looked around "uh, I remember he wassss- he's coming over here" he said pointing to him "thanks" I said and he nodded walking away as I walked up to Griff.
"Hey Griff  where were you, you wernt in the cabin when I woke up" he smiled "oh, Ravi asked me if I could help him with the other campers" I nodded and smiled.
He walked beside me and grabbed my hand "hey, do you want to watch that movie with me, it's going to be with the whole camp, if you'd like" I smiled at him and nodded "yea, I would like that" he smiled and we heard running from behind us "Griff, ...Griff" Griff and I turned our heads and saw Ravi running to us "come and help me im all alone, I'm going to get squashed" he nodded and Ravi ran away to the caos "ill, be back, ok?" I nodded and he kissed my cheek running away to the caos with Ravi.
"Ooh, that was cute" I heard a voice from behind me "oh my gosh Zuri stop it" she laughed "don't worry, Marsh did it to me too" she laughed "so have you heard of the new girl, her names Makenzie she's new here, and she's taking over Tiffany's spot in the woodchuck cabin" I shook my head no "nuh,uh, I haven't where is she" Zuri grabbed my hand leading me into the woodchuck cabin "hey, Makenzie this is y/n, Griff's girlfriend" I slapped her arm "no, where not, he never asked yet" she laughed "well, half girlfriend and best friend" the girl with orange hair and blue eyes and a grey jacket looked at me, she didn't smile at all "oh ya I forgot to tell you, she's a juvenile delinquent also" I nodded and waved at her. She stood up and walked up to me "hi, my names makenzie, and no where not going to be good friends but I guess it's nice to meet you" she said looking strait at me,like I was bait for her to eat. "Oh, uhm okay then"  I said looking at Zuri.
Timeskip: middle of the day
I was walking around looking for Griff, I spotted him from afair and saw him with....Makenzie? "Hey Griff" I said walking up to him "hey y/n, oh this is Makenzie she's new here, and she's a juvenile delinquent too, just like me" I smiled slightly "ya I know, she's going to be in the woodchuck cabin, and she, seems nice" I said looking down. I looked back at makenzie and she was smiling looking at Griff "so uh, Griff are we going to that movie together" he made a look I couldn't explain and makenzie turned her gaze towards me having a plain face this time." Oh, uh me and makenzie where planing to go since, y'know she's knew here" I didn't smile anymore "oh, uh okay then, I'll just go with Zuri then, i-...I'll see you around then " I said turning around and walking away. I didn't even hear a bye or see you around.

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