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.::Y/n P.O.V::.


woke up, I didn't even have a nightmare, thank god.

I looked around and saw that Jorge Ravi and Xander was gone. I turned my head and saw Griff, still asleep.

I sighed and got out of bed and opened my bag grabbing my clothes, I walked to the bathroom and got changed .
            ^image above^

I walked out and folded my clothes and sat them on my bed. I remembered the song that I liked and the lyrics I wrote on the paper, I looked under my pillow and in my bag, even my journal, it wasn't there. I liked that song SO much, I would cry if I lost it, but I couldn't find it, ugh, I'll try and find it later but I'm not going to cry.

I was getting ready to walk out, I took one more look at Griff, and sighed while walking out the door.

.::Griff P.O.V::.

I woke up to no one poking my nose or shaking me awake. I sat up on my bed and looked around, no one was here, y/n wasn't usually in ther spot when it's only me and her talking.

I got out of bed and got dressed, remembering the paper she wrote I wanted to show Zuri so she can tell me what's it about.

I walked out to see y/n sitting on a log kicking rocks, I didn't know what was wrong with her, but I wanted to find out.
I ran to the woodchuck cabin and knocked on the door . It opened up to show Zuri opened it "Hey Zuri" "Hey Griff, do you want to come in, Tiffany isn't here and Lou and Emma are out also" I nodded and walked in, she closed the door behind her and sat on her bed.

I sat right beside her and sighed "what's wrong Griff" I heard Zuri say looking at me " can I tell you something" she nodded "I actually have a crush" her gave landed on y/n outside on the log, and grinned "who is it" I looked down and spoke quietly "y/n,but" she squealed "I knew it!" And she jumped up on her bed,and hugged me. I pulled out a peice of paper that had the lyrics to to song, and I handed it to her "what's this about, I saw it yesterday, she was writing it and it seems like it's a song" Zuri grabbed the paper and read it, then grinned "you'll find out" and handed it back me.

.::Y/n P.O.V::.

I Loken and round and saw something I didn't want to see, Zuri hugging Griff and her smiling wider than before, I saw her look out of her window and smiled at me waving her hand, I picked mines up and waved it slightly. "Heya y/n, do you want to hang out with me" I heard the familiar voice say, "hey Hazel, uh, sure I guess, where are we going" she smiled wide "to,uuhh, go to the docks so we can know eachother more" I nodded and stood up, she grabbed my hand and ran as I followed behind.

We sat down and she started the conversation "so, your awfully quiet today, what's wrong" I sighed "well, I have this crush, but  guessing he likes someone else, I know him like the back of my hand and he dose too, but I just don't think he feels the same way" I sighed "oh, it's okay, it's the same with me and Xander, but he's dating Emma, so I'm still trying" I laughed and she looked at me "ah, hey at least I'm not whinning" I lightly puncher her shoulder "shut up Hazel, at least I'm not obsessed with my crush" she laughed. "Come on get up, we're going to the cabin to hang out with the weasles" I nodded and stood up following behind her.
Timeskip : food hall
I was hanging out with the weasles until we had to go to food hall, I waved them good bye and walked in the doors and decided that I didn't need to get anything to eat I'll just grab a snack out if my bag.

I walked over to Zuri's table. I walked over and saw Griff and Zuri talking and Lou and Emma talking while Tiffany with a book opened looking like she was struggling with something. "Hey guys" I said and sat by Tiffany "hey y/n/n, where's your food" I made a nasty face "I'm am not and I mean NOT eating that" I said and they all laughed "I'm with you too" Zuri said "uuuuugh, I thought I was smart, this is too hard" Tiffany said rubbing her hands in her hair I snickered "well what's the problem" I asked her "y is Is a fraction and I have to see what y is" I thought "why dose y have to be a fraction!?" I got it "its not a fraction, we don't have to make it a fraction, convert it into a decima-" "but y is a fractio-" "gah, convert the fraction into a decimal" "but ys a fraction" "convert it" I said pointing to the paper, the whole table started laughing like they were being tickled to death.

Food hall ended and I ran to the cabin without even saying bye or goodnight, I opened the door and closed it opening my bag dumping all of my stuff out and putting it on my bed "where is it, where is it, where is iiit" I said digging through the stuff on my bed.

Sooner or later I gave up and fixed everything back up and got in my pajamas, and went to bed.

.::Griff P.O.V::.

Me Ravi Jorge And Xander  walked into the cabin laughing, Gladys just got mud all over her and she got dumped once again.

We closed the door and stopped laughing because we saw y/n asleep. I walked up to her and saw another paper on her bed and it flew down "well goodnight" Jorge said and jumped on his bed going to sleep Ravi got in his pajamas and Xander got dressed in the bathroom next.

I was last to get in my pajamas.
I walked out and the paper was still on the ground, so I picked it up and read it.
"When I first met you, I felt like I had known you forever." That is a rare thing to happen.
Я очень люблю Гриф (word at the end)
I sighed a sad one and layed it under her pillow, and walked to bed and stopped right the the foot. I turned back around and walked back to y/n's bed and saw her sound asleep, she was cute when she slept, I wasn't paying attention and I kissed her on the nose. I emmideatly blushed a light red and ran to me bed laying down and falling asleep.

.::Y/n P.O.V::.

Something touched my nose and it was soft and felt warm. Why do I feel things while I'm asleep.
    Mabey I can talk more tomorrow.

SUP, I'm learning how to speak  Russian, and it's HARD but I'm getting the hang of it.
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Ily guys

(Я очень люблю Гриф :  I love Griff with all my heart)

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