Chapter 13: An Unlikely Ally

Start from the beginning

"Morning Caius." Kathrin called out.

"Morning Kathrin." I replied still a bit drowsy.

"Is the arm doing better?" Sarah asked.

"Yeah, the pain hasn't come back yet, which I'm taking as a good sign." I said looking at my arm.

"Alright, then what's the plan for today Kathrin?" Lilith asked.

"If we keep going the way we did yesterday, we should reach Adom before nightfall." Kathrin said looking at the map.

"Well I can stand a bit more travelling then I did yesterday." Carinthia said fastening the satchel around her.

"And I feel like I can go for a while longer without any trouble." I added.

"Then if that's the case, we should be able to reach there before it gets late." Kathrin declared. "Although, I do know a way we could get there faster." Lilith looked at Kathrin and knew what she was going to say next.

"I don't think it's exactly safe to fly while Caius is like this." Lilith disagreed. Kathrin looked at Lilith, then looked at my arm and nodded her head.

"Now that I think about it, it probably wouldn't be the best." Kathrin said.

"Then let's get going." Carinthia said. "We're burning daylight." We walked down the road for a while. I walked up next to Carinthia after I had woken myself up a little bit better.

"Hey Carinthia, I just wanted to say thanks last night for the blanket." I said. Carinthia looked up at me with a confused look on her face.

"What blanket?" Carinthia questioned.

"The blanket from last night?" I said a bit confused.

"I don't have a blanket in inventory Caius." Carinthia said also confused. We both stared at each other with confusion.

"Well, if it wasn't a blanket, then what was it?" I asked.

"To be honest Caius, I don't have a clue what you could be talking about." Carinthia said. "Maybe you could ask the others, I woke Kathrin up after I couldn't stay awake anymore." I stared at Carinthia in confusion, but decided to take her advice and ask around. Kathrin didn't have a clue either, and she recommended me to Sarah. Sarah was confused as well when I asked her, and Lilith was the exact same way. I'm pretty sure I just inflicted our entire party with Confuse Ray. I just decided to drop it before it got any weirder than it had. The pain started coming back around noon, which I guess was okay, because we had already stopped to eat and take a break. After I had eaten, I had started to focus on the pain in my arm. It went away relatively quickly. We lost the water canteen that Carinthia had and had to look for it. We discovered it near a bush just a few feet from us, which was strange, but we didn't let it hinder our progress. After then, we continued on our way towards Adom. Not much conversation went on between the five of us, mainly because I think I was dropping everyone's mood with me thinking so much on Ayah. I tried to get my mind off of her, but no matter what, I did, I couldn't keep it back for long. I guess it was getting plainly obvious, because the next thing I heard froze me in my tracks.

"Hey Caius, why don't you tell us what happened the night you found Nate?" Sarah suggested.

"W-what is there to really tell?" I questioned. Kathrin, Carinthia, and Lilith all turned in confusion as well.

"And why bring it up when It's already in the past?" Kathrin asked.

"I'm just curious about what you and Nate talked about in the tree." Sarah replied. My nerves calmed down a little bit. She wasn't going where I thought she was, at least, I hoped so.

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