Chapter 14: The Queen.

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Life has been like on the Ferris wheels, when it brought me upwards, I could see the whole picture but when it brought me down, I only saw things to a certain extent. But, it taught me to view things at different aspects.

How's yours 2014 going on? Leave me a note if you want to!!

And I want you guys to know that I always laugh when I re-read the previous chapters. I hope I made them hilarious and you guys did laughed heartily while reading. Leave comments below to let me know if you guys like it or not and give me feedback too!! Haters or likers, are free to comment ((:

Follow me on Twitter for my blog and you guys are free to mention me to!! : @twisparkle_ or my personal acc: @ann0ying_e


Happy reading!!

Song suitable for this chapter: Beating Heart by Ellie Goulding


******** Jane Sherlock's POV ********

We kissed.

There's sparks.

It was incredible.

I pulled back, leaning our forehead against each other's. My eyes were closed, enjoying the moment.



"Open your eyes."



"Cause no."

He snickered and asked again.

"Open your eyes, pretty please with strawberry tops the whipped cream?"

I giggled, opening my eyes and met his beautiful eyes.

"I love you."

I gasped a little.


"I love you."


"There's much to explain but i'll tell you that someday. I promise. Now would you please go get ready for the audition?" He pouted.

"Go with me?"


He took my hands in his and walked towards the performing theatre.


When we entered the theatre, i already spotted Vivy and the boys. And none other than Chris Devon and her followers.

We made our way to the gang.

"Wow guys, look at him. He confessed." Aidan cooed.

"Ooh someone's whipped!" Vivy cheered.

"Hey guys!" I chirped.

"Hey!" they said union, happily.

"So, did the dude just confessed?" Darren asked.

I looked at Luke, who was blushing hardly upon the comment before nodding my head and smiled.

"OMG, tell me the details later. Quick go register your name, the audition's starting in 5."

"I'll go with you." Luke said, putting his arms around me.


"Hi everyone, glad to know that there's as usual 4 participants. So now, i'm gonna read out the names. First up, Chris Devon. Second, Flo Dennis. Third, Suzy Arnold. Lastly, Jane Sherlock. Let's welcome the first girl." Mr Ernst, the founder of this stupid campaign, announced.

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