Chapter 8: I'm willing.

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It's been a long night and i'm getting ready to sleep for tomorrow's date with that egotistical badass when my phone beeped, a notification popped out on my screen.


Can we talk tmr at 12? I cant wait till Mon.

12pm. A choice. Him or Luke.


You know what? Suck it up. 9pm tmr.


Okay ♥


Stop doing that! You ain my bf anymore.


Sweet dreams <3

This time i ignored his text and slept.

*Next Morning*

Checking my outfit of the day again, ensuring that i do look casual.

I wore a black plain sleeveless top with the shoulders studded and a light blue shorts with peace signs all over it and accompanied with my black Vans.

Soon, i heard chattering downstairs and i immediately jogged down.

"Hey mom."

"Hey sweetie, how impolite of you to make your date wait."

I whipped my head to the side and wished I hadn't come downstairs.

"He's not my date."


"What are you doing here?"

"I can't wait any longer."

"I said suck it up!" This time i flared. It was an excited morning till this bastard in front of me decided to make it worst. Piece of shit.

"Oh hey good afternoon Julie. Im here for Jane. Is she up yet?" He walked in through that door that's left ajar.

"Luke Galen? What're you doing here? Jane, you're going out with him?"

"Im supposed to ask that question. What are you doing over here?"

"Why can't i be here?"

This time, i butted in their conversation.

"You can't be in here, Danny. You know it. Now scram before i'll do something worse than that."

"Jane, we were fine before this. Tell me why. Was he in the picture so you broke up with me after using an excuse that i cheated on you?"

"Seriously? You thought that of me? I thought you were better than this. I saw you cheating, right in front of me. I guess im better off without you. So what if im with Luke right now? You did wrong and you have no rights to comment on who im with now!"

"I'll come back for you later. Pleasure meeting, Mrs Sherlock."

He walked off. Tears came rolling down my face. I couldn't bear to cry in front of my mom so i ran out. I ran as fast as i could.

I was crying. Out loud. With no restrictions.

Vroom. Vroom. Vroom. Vroom.

The irritating sound of a motorcycle could be heard from behind me.


Who's calling me?

"Jane, slow down."

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