Chapter 5

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Jefferson's POV

After Hamilton and I were ready we were dropped at the event our mission was taking place. We walk in and see everyone talking to everyone. As I'm looking around I hear Laf over the ear piece. "Ok your target is at 2:00 in the back about 20 feet from the door. That door will lead you to the cars you have to drown after you get the file and vile. Herc, Madison, and Angie will be there ready to pick you up and drown the other three cars."

Hamilton and I nod and we make our way to the drinks before our target so it doesn't look like we made a bee line for the back. That would be suspicious. I see a bunch a men look Alex up and down and I feel anger bubble up inside me. Wow. Get yourself together Jefferson. I think to myself before I hear Peggy over the ear piece. "Alex go flirt with Seabury then go to the door where Lee is and get the keys to the door." 

Hamilton and I nod. He makes his way to Seabury and I get a drink. I feel a pang of jealousy rise in my chest the more I see Seabury drool over Hamilton. "Hey, Loverboy. Calm down you're crushing the cup. You're drawing attention towards yourself." I hear someone say over the ear piece. "Laurens?" I ask and look around like he's here.

"Yeah I hacked the system for 5 minutes. I saw how you were reacting. Peggy and Laf were only paying attention to Alex." I blush because I didn't think anyone was watching me. John is the only one who knows about my feelings for Alex. We got closer after my accident and Jemmy hates Alex more than I do.

"Can they see me?" I asked not knowing if he hacked security too or just the headsets. "No." He says and I can hear the smirk. "Wait Laf is like our second best tech how did you hack the system?" I ask in slight amazement. "Someone had to teach him everything he knows. Who do you think the first is?" He asked and I could practically see the smug look on his face.

I see Alex walking back over with the vile in his hand as he put it in his bag and makes his way back over to me. "No one can see me right?" I ask just to make sure. "Right and Alex can't hear us." I smirk that's all I need to know. "Can you see me?" I ask and waited. "Yes." I smirk again.

"Hey I got-" I cut Alex off by grabbing his waist and pulling him into a passionate kiss. WHAT THE FUCK AM I THINKING?! This is honestly the worse place to do this. I think to myself but at this moment I don't care. I hear John wolf whistle into the mic and I smirk into the kiss. Alex melts into the kiss which is the last thing I would expect. "GET SOME JEFFERSON!" John says as Alex wraps his arms around my neck.

"Alright the are going to take over in a minute. What you need to do is finish this mission and ask that boi out sir." John says as we pull away. I put my finger to my ear and turn to whisper. "I will." I say and turn back to Hamilton. "You'll what Jefferson?" Alex asks still flustered from the kiss. "Alexander I really like you. You look just so goddamn hot and sexy and you're so fucking beautiful. What I'm trying to ask is w-will y-y-you" I ask struggling to get it out as my confidence went down quickly.

"I would love to Thomas." Alex says and I smile and sigh in relief. He looked at me and he pulled me into a kiss again before we hear frantic yelling in our ears and we pull away from each other. 

"ARE YOU GUYS OKAY?!" Peggy yells and we both put out hands to our ears. "Yeah but thanks for blowing out my eardrum." Alex says and I chuckle. "Sorry we were hacked but we are back. How's it going." Peggy asks and Alex blushes and I smirk. "Fine. We got the vile and Alex is about to get the keys to get the file and get to the cars." I say as Alex walks away. He sways his hips on purpose. "Damn." I say to myself and smile.

After a few minutes Alex gets the keys and we get the file and find Angie and Herc behind the building. Angelica and Herc have already hotwired their cars and James is under one hotwiring another. I hand the file and vile to Jemmy knowing he could get it back to base better than I could. We jump into the car just as some guys came outside to catch us.

We drove to a near by river and dumped the cars. I saw Angie, Herc, and James jump from their cars but I didn't see Hamilton jump for his. I look around but their is no sign of him. "Where's Alex?" I ask worriedly. I look in the river and see Hamilton struggling to get out of the truck he was driving. "Shit." I think to myself.

I run to river and dive in. I hear Herc and Angelica yelling my name but I ignore it and continue to jump in the river. I swim to where Hamilton is and he is caught in the seatbelt. I swim over to him and watch his body go limp and I see blood. Crap. I think to myself and pull out my knife. With one swift motion I cut the seatbelt and rush Alex to the surface. "Call John." I say panicked. 

I start doing CPR as Herc called John. As I pump Alexander's chest I watch the cars rush down the river and sink. I lean down a breath into his mouth and after a few more time of pumping his chest he coughs up water and starts to breath. "Alex. Alex we are going to get you out of here." I say and he just nods and puts his head on me. I feel the blood ooze onto my shirt and I shake Alex awake. "You need to stay awake. Just until John gets here." I say and he just nods and sits up.

After a few minutes John pulls up and we load Alex into the truck. John looked over him and patches the back of his head. John said something to Alex and he nods before falling asleep. "He'll be fine just a little oxygen therapy and bed rest." John says and I sigh relieved that was it. I nod and get in the truck with Alex. I watch John go tell the others the news. They nod before getting in the get away car and rushing back to headquarters.

UNEDITED I hope y'all enjoy this story. I know it's slow but I'll try to get better at updating. Please tell me what you think. Comment and vote. Love y'all! ;) 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2017 ⏰

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