Chapter 2

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Jefferson's POV

After everyone went home Hamilton and I met in my office. He was really set on getting a head start on this case. "Hey Jefferson. Let's get to work. I want to know everything there is to know about this case. We should also work on acting like a couple especially since we hate each other. Not that it won't be possible because it will but I think it's a good idea. If you haven't noticed it's like 11:00 and I had like 3 extra cups of coffee to work on this case." Hamilton said.

I just look at him and blink. I only got half of what he said so I just smile and nod. We only got about a half hour in before we heard a crash of thunder. I watched Hamilton visibly jump and his eyes widen but I just brush it off. "I'm going to the bathroom." Hamilton said and sped off before I could respond. I shake it off and get back to work.

So far what I know about this case is the chemical is a deep purple almost black color. The chemical is suppose to absorb into your skin and cause unbearable pain for hours but leaves no physical damage. Only a different chemical can be painted over it to make the pain stop and make the damage visible. The chemical is called Z-Saet what ever that means. The people we are looking for is Samuel Seabury and he has reddish brown hair and he's kinda short and Charles Lee is taller than Seabury and has brown hair that is brushed in almost a comb over effect but isn't if that makes sense. 

I've been looking over this case for almost an hour with out Hamilton when I hear another crash of thunder and see lighting. "Shit." I say to myself. He probably left to beat the storm. Ugh my leg is starting to hurt now. "I'm Hamilton and I like to waste peoples time then ditch them without telling them." I mock him as I pass the bathroom getting ready to leave. I hear muffled talking and...crying? I walk into the bathroom to see Hamilton in a ball with his hand over his mouth. He had tears streaming down his face. "Hamilton?" I rush to his side. "What the hells wrong with you. I thought you'd left but instead your sobbing on the bathroom floor. You should have told me I can-" I was cut off by Hamilton. 

"The only think you can do right now is fuck off Jeffershit." Hamilton yells at me and I take a step back. "Sweet Jesus fucking Christ Hamilton I just wanted to help." I yell back and he stares daggers at me. "I don't need your fucking help. get the hell out-" he says but is cut off by a crash of thunder and lighting. He's frozen in his spot. "Alex?" I say and wave a hand in front of his face but he doesn't move.

"I-I'm sorry." He says and puts his head in his hand. I look at him in confusion. "How do you go from telling me to leave to saying your sorry?" I ask and he looks at me. "I'm sorry." He says to me and puts his head back in his hands "Alexander what's wrong with you? You're scaring me." I say in concern but act like I don't really care. Even though this is killing me for some reason.

"WHA!?" I shout when he falls and sobs with his hands over his ears after another bolt of lighting went off and thunder rumbled through the bathroom. "I'm sorry I-I tried to save them." He says like he's talking to death himself. "Hey!?" I said put my hands on his shoulders. "Please stop. Please forgive me. S-stop. Please. Stop." He says and shakes more. "What are you talking about?" I ask him but I get no response. "I c-can't. I'm- Please no no no." He says and has more tears rolling down his cheeks and I shake him slightly. "ALEX!?" I say frantically. 

I pull him to look at me. "CHILL!" He looks at me with tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry." He says and puts his head down. But I pull it back up. "Alex! You're okay just try and breath." I say to him and put his hand on my chest. "Match my breathing." I say and he looks at my chest in concentration. "Jefferson?" He asks and I hold his hand. "Yes it's me. A-are you okay?" I ask and he looks at out hands. "Why are you holding my hand?" He asks and I look at our hands.

"Wha? after everything that's the first thing you ask?" I say relieved and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. "I was waiting for you for like and hour, what the hell happened to you?" I ask before thunder boomed outside and he leans into me with his hands over is mouth. "ALEX?" I yell and wrap my arms around him. Another bolt of lighting flashes and he starts shaking. "Is it the lighting?" I ask and help him up. "Let's go somewhere without window." I say and walk out of the bathroom.

I take us to the file room since it's the only room without any windows. "Here. I don't think there is another room without windows." I say and turn to face him sitting on a short file cabinet. "I know you're probably going to blackmail me so can you just leave. I don't have the energy to deal with you right now." He says and I frown then furrow my brows in confusion, anger, and slightly hurt by the comment. "Alex I'm not-" I say but am cut off by Hamilton, "Stop calling me Alex it's weird." He say says and brushes his hair out of his face. I sit down next to him.

"I said leave." Alex says to me and I keep looking down.

"I know what you said." I say to him and roll up my pants leg.

"Then why are you still here." He says and looks at me.

"Because my prosthetic leg is killing me and this is the only place to sit and the storm is too rough for me to drive home in." I say and start to take my leg off. 


I finish taking off my leg and he looks at me and then looks at me leg. He bites his lips and looks away. I'm use to the weird looks and I catch him looking back every once in a while and I just I just sigh. 

"This sorm will be lasting all night so to make the night more bearable take these." I say and hand him my headphones and my hair tie. "Tie your hair back it's annoying seeing you push it back every three seconds and use the headphones so you don't talk to me." I say and he looks at me. I keep it with me but I don't really wear it much because everyone thinks Laf and I look like the same person with my hair tied back. Not after what happened with Herc. Yeah we're cosusins but I don't think we look that much alike. 

Hamilton takes the headphones and hair tie and ties his hair back and I put my head back while I rub my leg trying to ease the pain. Out of the corner of my eye I see him look at me with pity in his eyes before he looked away. "I don't need pity. I'm still the strongest agent here even with this leg."  I say and he mumbles a sorry before closing his eyes and leaning against the wall falling asleep.

UNEDITED I hope yall are enjoying this story. I promise it will get better and I'll try to update it a lot. I just need some time. Please comment what you think so far and vote. Love y'all! ;)

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