Chapter 3

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Hamilton's POV

I look around and find myself in the agency but it looks....abandoned. I look around and see Laf hanging from the ceiling and Herc next to him on the ground in a pool of blood. I see Madison on top of John like he was shielding him or something. They are in a pool of their own blood. I get up and walk and see Washington on a table with a bullet wound in his head. I see a trail of blood and I follow it because I'm stupid. I see everyone in the agency killed. I see Jefferson's leg and panic. He's the only one I didn't see yet.

I hear something behind and I turn around to see a demonic Jefferson behind me with blood trailing out each side of his mouth. His eyes were glowing green. "Jefferson?" I say and he smiles at me. He has his actual leg. Before anything else can happen I jolt awake and my breathing is heavy. I have tears in my eyes and I look around. "How did I get in the file room?" I say then I hear and snore come from beside me. I look and see a sleeping Jefferson beside me. "Right. It just had to be Jefferson." I say to myself. After a minute of looking at him he leans against me.

"Shit." I say careful not to wake him. I ease my way away from him. "Please don't wake up." I mumble to myself. I get up and get to the door until I hear movement. "Hamilton?" I turn and see Jefferson rub his eyes and look at me. "Where are you going?" I look at him and back at the door. "Um...Nowhere just the uh...Bathroom?" I came out more as a question than anything. "Um...alright." He says and he looks around.

"Where the hell is it." He mumbles and I leave the room. I let out a sigh of relief and look outside. The storm has gotten worse. After a few minute I go back into the file room to see Jefferson still looking for whatever he was looking for. "Whatcha looking for?" I ask thinking I can help him. "None of your business." He snaps and I look at him confused. "Aww is Tommy mad he didn't get his 10 hours." I mock and roll my eyes. "if you must know I'm looking for the only thing that will makes me normal." He snaps and my gaze softens.

"Let me help you." I say knowing what it is. "NO!" He shouts and I look at him hurt. "I'm not helpless I can find it on my own." Jefferson says and gets on the ground slowly looking for his leg. "Alright I was just trying to help." I say and lean against the door. "I don't need your help I'm stronger than you think." He says and I look at him. "You think I think your weak?" I ask dumbfounded.  "Thomas I think your one of the strangest people I know. Stronger than most. And that leg doesn't make you normal. You make yourself normal." I say and flip the light on before walking over to him. 

"Thanks." He mumbles and grabs his leg and puts it on. I wait and sit next to him. "We're going to be here all night." I say and he groans. I know how he feels. "Do you want to work on the case?" He asks me but I shake my head. "Let's go pull out the cots. We leave tomorrow anyways." I say and he just nods. "How's you leg? Not to be rude I'm just asking." I say nervously and he looks at me. "Fine I just got to take it off soon again." He says and walks to get the cots. I look at him confused. "Why?" I ask and as he pulls out the cot. "I don't have Vaseline and if it rubs too much it will cause blisters and they hurt like a bitch." He says while handing me my cot. I just nod in response.

We pull the cots back to the file room. Yes of all places we choose the file room. Fuck you storm, I think to myself. There isn't much room and I look at Jefferson. "Do you just want to push the cots together?" I ask and he looks at the cots. We are both gay af so it doesn't matter what we do. "Sure." He respond and I hear thunder crash outside and I jump on the cot. "Al-Hamilton it's alright." Jefferson says to me and smiles. I just nod and lay down. I hear movement behind me and I peek around me to see Jefferson taking his leg off.

I see his leg and see blister and on leg and I cringe. No one has seen his leg since the injure about 8 months ago. All his disguises are long pants or else he won't wear it. He catches me looking out of the corner of his eye and moves his leg. "Sorry." He say and lays down. "You're good." I say and look at the ceiling. After a few minutes I hear light snores come from Jefferson and he turns on his side. I turn the opposite way and close my eyes. I look back at Jefferson again. He looks so peaceful. God he was beautiful. Wait...did I just say that about Thomas 'macaroni fucker' Jeffershit. 

I shake my head out and brush away my thoughts and turn back around. I close my eyes and think about what's going to happen in the next few days. Then I start thinking about Jefferson and I as a couple. Wow Alex you need to stop. I say to myself and ease my way into sleep. The last thought I think about before sleep consumes me is 'Do I like Jefferson and Do I tell someone if I do?' I think and close my eyes finally letting sleep take me.

UNEDITED I will try to update and make this better. Give me time. I hope you enjoyed this chapter please comment and tell me what you think and don't forget to vote. It's going to get better I promise. Love y'all! ;)

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