Chapter 4

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Lafayette's POV

"Mon amour have you finish fitting the dress?" I ask as we walk into the agency. "Yes it's right here baby girl." He says and kisses my cheek. I look around and see everyone on the case running around like how you say...ducks with there heads cut off or something like that. "What's going on?" Herc asks Peggy before she can run past us. She looks at us with a blank expression.

"No one has heard from Hamilton and Jefferson since yesterday and usually they are here and it looks like people have been in here. The event was moved from 6:00 to 4:00 because of reasons we don't know. Washington is on all of our cases and we are still trying to find the case file." She says and looks around. Herc and I nod in sync. Well this isn't good. "I'm going to go check something." I say and leave Herc to help everyone.

For some reason I feel like people were stupid and didn't check the file room because no one ever really goes in there except for me really. I make a bee line for the room and enter quiet. I know the storm was rough and this was the only place with no windows. I peak my head inside and see two cots pushed together and see and sleeping Jefferson with his arm wrapped around Hamilton's waist. I hold in my squeal and snap a picture. Little did everyone know including Hamilton I know he is head over heels for Jefferson even if he may not know it himself.

I pull up the group chat between all of us excluding Thomas and Alex so they don't know.

BaguetteLord: sent an attachment

BaguetteLord: I found them. They look so cute together. Lol. 

DreamTMNT: Aww. I ship it.

HotPants: I'll let Washington know you found them.

ANDPEGGY: He better get is ass up and in here so we can get him ready.

Can'tDeny: Calm down love appreciate they aren't killing each other. 

ANDPEGGY: True and it's great clickbait. Mwahahaha.

MomBoss: Y'all get back to work. 

They look so cute together. I ship it so hard. I walk over to them but trip. I look up and see I woke them up and I look down to see I tripped over Jefferson's leg. No one has ever really seen him without his leg since the beginning really. I doubt anyone remembers. I get up and kick the leg over to him. Jefferson is still groggy but he sees his leg and grabs it. Hamilton is still trying to get a grip on the situation wile Jefferson quickly puts his leg on.

"Washington needs to see both of you but Jefferson go to Laurens first." I say and he just nods. I already know everything about him and his leg. When he first got it I was the one who stayed to take care of him. Me being his cousin in all. Jefferson gets up and leaves the room. Hamilton looks at me and I pull out my brush. "Fix your hair mon ami." I chuckle and toss him the brush. He mumbles a thanks and sloppily brushes his hair and rushes out of the room to Washington's office.

I text John about Thomas before picking up the file and bringing it to the conference room. We have everything to get this mission started. After we get the agency back in order we start to get Thomas and Alex dressed. Thomas took less than 30 minutes Alex not so much. Thomas is in a black tux with a magenta tie. I saw Hamilton staring in awe as I mentally slap him for it. 

"Peggy do I really need this under the dress?" Alex asked as Peggy pulled a small corset thing to give him more curves than he already had. "Yes Alex you'll look really good." Hamilton was in a kind of tight semi short dress with a flowing back and a cut on the side of the leg. He had high sexy black heels with spikes on the toe part of the heel. Alex's hair was curled with his bangs hanging in his eye a bit. He hand the best makeup ever with a smoky eye and deep red lip stick.

I think Peggy and I did an amazing job. He looked sexy af. After he finished he stood up and he looked fine until he started walking in the heels. "How the hell am I suppose to my job in these I can barely walk in them." Alex snaps as he almost falls. "Peggy teach him how to walk in these I'm going to check on Thomas." I say and leave the room. He is still with Laurens. "Hey mon amis what's going on." I ask concerned about Thomas's leg but he doesn't need to know that. "Nothing just talking and I see Thomas has his leg off. I look at him and he just shrugs.

"Alex is almost ready." I say and watch him turn to put his leg on. John and I wait for about 2 minutes and he gets up and walks out of the door. I just shrug and follow him to the weapon room. After a few minutes we go to the conference room and see Peggy there. "Hey is Alex ready yet?" I ask as she looks at me. I look at the clock and see it took 3 hours to get him ready. "Yeah he is just practicing. He should walk through those doors in 3... 2... 1." As she says this Hamilton walks into the room. "Peggy I still don't think this is very mandatory for this mission." Hamilton says and I chuckle. I see Peggy looking at Thomas as Alex looks inside his purse thing.

Thomas is visibly drooling right now. Peggy and I both look confused and shrug it off. "Stand next to each other guys. Link arms it has to be believable." I say they stand next to each other. They both look like a couple but also kind of nervous. But they look like the best looking couple ever. I still ship it so hard.

UNEDITED I know this is rap right now. I hope you guys are enjoying this story. I'm having fun writing this. I promise it will get more exciting soon. Love y'all! ;) 

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