
"I'm back beautiful!" Steph yelled as she walked back into the apartment. "Rose!" she shook me out of my slumber. "What?" I spatted. "Why were you knocked out on the dining table?" I yawned, relieving my body by some stretches. "I was completing an application for an internship interview tomorrow." "That's great girl! See, I told you you'd find something." 

Relocating my application to my bedroom upstairs, I prepared dinner for Steph and I. It took about an hour and forty-five minutes in making my famous chicken alfredo and a small lemon cake. We enjoyed the night with each other's company, explaining how our day went, and even facetiming Mariah in her hotel. 

The night went by as I completed my last finishing touches on my portfolio. I have to make sure not only do I look presentable, but my working papers as well. My outfit was picked out and hanged up in my closet, wrinkle-free. My hair will be placed in an updo bun and I'm not one for makeup but a little eyebrow touch up and lipstick wouldn't harm anyone. 

The day ended quicker than I expected and I couldn't shake the feeling of something telling me to prepare for what's about to come, not during the interview, but after. Finishing my nightly hygiene, I turned off the light to the bathroom entering my bedroom. Climbing into my bed and going under my covers, I thought to myself. 

Is this interview going to change my life for the better? Will I finally have the opportunity to be taught and shadow over someone who had the same dreams as I at this age? Was coming to California the right choice? 

The only way to find out is to get ready for tomorrow. And with that, I was out like a light. 



The sun beamed through my curtains causing my eyes to flutter open. Letting out a not so elegant yawn, I sat on my bed. Well... today's it, Rose. You have approximately six hours and twenty-five minutes to prepare. Maybe sleeping for another hour or two won't hurt. 


"Rose! Wake up!" Steph screamed causing me to echo her response. "Oh my gosh! What time is it?!" I said, worriedly. "It's 1:10pm ... don't look at me like that! I came to check up on you and you wouldn't budge out of your sleep. I shook you for a good thirty minutes straight!" 

I groaned in ignorance. "How could I be so stupid to fall back asleep." Jumping out my bed, I grabbed my towel and rushed to the bathroom. Quicker than I expected I finished my morning hygiene in forty-five minutes. As I left the bathroom, my interview outfit was placed on the bed alongside my work portfolio. 

I had three hours and twenty minutes ahead of me so I did what I do best when under pressure. Call my parents and eat. "I'm so proud of you baby. Don't be nervous, I know God is with you." my mom reassured me. "Don't forget to pray before you step out of the house. Pray for your circumstances love. Pray for your applications. Over your travels. Over you--" 

"Thanks, mommy I get it. Where's dad?" "He went to pick up your sister from school, but I'll let him know." Talking to my mom gave me a sense of ease, and I couldn't be more thankful for having such a mother figure like her. Ever her strongness in Faith has made an impact in my life. 

I personally just haven't had the time to grow into that. Don't get me wrong I'm a believer, I'm just not my mother. Anyways, ending the call, I was also able to finish the breakfast that Steph prepared in the morning. As I went up the stairs I entered my room getting ready for the interview. 

I was determined to get to the office thirty minutes before my interview. Just by the way, Ashley said "don't be late" send uncomfortable chills down my back. So, I'm taking her advice. My outfit was simple, a white blouse with a stripped open ankle dress pant. Black wedges and instead of the bun, I decided to straighten. 

My eyebrows were on point along with the lip shade that I chose. Spraying my perfume and taking my portfolio, I left my room. "Wish me luck Steph!" I spoke as I grabbed my keys and wallet. "Oh, girl! Someone's looking professionally hot today!" she winked. 

I laughed, "funny, see you later girl." I closed the door hearing a good luck in the background. Unlocking my car, I got in putting my wallet, phone, and portfolio in the passenger seat. Before I turned on the engine, my eyes glistened to the cross necklace that was hanging from my mirror. 

"Why not?" I thought. With my eyes closed, I whispered a couple of words hoping he heard my prayer. Backing out of my driveway, I left for the interview with a sense of pride and confidence. I am so ready! 


Well, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter guys! I am very excited about this book, I really pray that I have time to write it once school starts. But no need for discouragement, I have another full week before going back and I'm taking my time to write as many chapters as possible! 

Comment, vote, say hi if you'd like. Until next time y'all! 

By the way, the image of Rose is attached in the beginning. 

Love you and God Bless! 

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