Ch6: Embarrassed friends and Daisies.

Start from the beginning

It is not long before we both are clean, dressed and eager to eat. I stick my head out of the window and Tyler gives me a look that suggests he thinks I might be going crazy.

"What?" I question "I'm seeing if it's warm enough to eat breakfast on the patio or if we should just go to the breakfast room"

He laughs at me and reminds me that although it is summer, we are in England and there is no way our LA heat privileged bodies are used to the ten am English weather.  The chilled breeze against my face confirms this and we decide to make our way downstairs to the breakfast room.

 As we walk into the large, pretty room, I scan it for some of our friends but only see faces of the other guests that we had not known prior to yesterday's wedding. I flash a friendly, polite  smile at a couple that I think I remember being introduced to as Jim's Aunt and Uncle as we walk over to an empty table by the window. The window overlooks the hotel gardens and I can see that the marquee is still up from last night, still draped in fairy lights and flower arrangements. The hotel staff are busily cleaning up from the wedding, stacking chairs and sweeping the dance floor. I smile at the memory of Tyler and Sawyer starting a drunken dance battle. It had been an epic and unforgettable night.

"What's making you smile?" Tyler asks me, us both now sat down at the table.

"You, our friends, mostly you..." I hum back at him. He responds with a hearty smile and passes me a breakfast menu.

As we begin to spin off our orders to the friendly young waitress, Zoe and Alfie enter the room making a beeline for our table. I gesture towards them and ask the waitress if she minds holding off on our orders so that the four of us can eat together. She assures me it isn't a problem and that she will be back once we are all ready to order.  Zoe and Alfie throw us big grins and chirp "Good Morning boys" at us as they sit in the two spare chairs beside us. Next to me, Zoe places her hand on my arm, giving it a quick squeeze and asks if I had enjoyed the previous day.

"Oh, he did" Alfie sniggers playfully.

My thoughts flash back to him unintentionally interrupting us in the lift last night and I feel my cheeks instantly flush pink. Tyler looks at me momentarily confused but then sudden understanding flashes upon his face. He quickly starts teasing Alfie that it'll be him popping the question and waiting at the end of the aisle for Zoe next.  This time its Alfie's turn to flush pink. I chuckle at Tyler gratefully but quickly change the conversation to the menu, saving poor Zoe from further embarrassment.

Halfway through eating our breakfasts, our conversation of laughing at last night's antics and gushing over the days romance dies down and Zoe asks what we plan on doing for the day. I shrug casually, I had been so excited for the wedding and about the fact that I was travelling to England again that I hadn't really thought about what I wanted to do whilst here. We were here for another week yet, two more nights at this hotel before heading over to Brighton to spend the last few days there.  We were purposefully avoiding London, knowing that we would only get sucked into work related tasks and as much as we both love our jobs, we had promised we were going to use the wedding as an excuse for a proper vacation. We had agreed that we could edit and tweet as per usual but that everything else could wait until we were back home in LA.

 "I want to explore the country side. The view during the drive over here the other day was spectacular, I want to go see it properly" shrills Tyler, unusually animated about the prospect of leaving a Wi-Fi zone.

"Well we were thinking about going for a picnic, come with?" volunteers Alfie, previous embarrassments forgotten.

"Yeah, the receptionist at the front desk recommended a place that's supposed to be really beautiful" adds Zoe.

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