04 ⇾ private messages

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WhatsApp Messages with
Winter Sebastian

Winter Sebastian
hello hi
merry christmas 🎅
is this ariel from the little mermaid?

Mermaid Jean
hohoho 🎅
that's funny because i played a mermaid once on a tv show

Winter Sebastian
how come i wasn't hired to play the prince or something

Mermaid Jean
because there wasn't one. . . ?

Winter Sebastian
it's christmas, don't be mean

Mermaid Jean
i'm merely stating the facts

Winter Sebastian
is this your way of trying to avoid the fact that we kissed under the mistletoe?

Mermaid Jean

Winter Sebastian
you are, aren't you?

Mermaid Jean
go to sleep, sebastian 'metal arm' stan

Winter Sebastian
but i can't sleep
can you sing me a lullaby since you were a mermaid once

Mermaid Jean
what the hell has that got to do with me playing a mermaid

Winter Sebastian
don't mermaids sing or something
or is that just my imagination

Mermaid Jean
that's definitely just your imagination

Winter Sebastian
but you were disguising yourself as ariel tonight
and ariel sings in the little mermaid

Mermaid Jean
. . .
well, i didn't play ariel in the little mermaid
and honestly, i can't sing to save my life

Winter Sebastian
well, now you've got all the time in the world to practice so that if ever the need for singing were to arise and your life depended on it, you can show off just how great you are at it

Mermaid Jean
you need sleep, sebastian

Winter Sebastian
you need sleep, jean

Mermaid Jean
you're right
and you're depriving me off of it right now

Winter Sebastian
i'm not depriving you off of anything
i'm not mean
i'm your friend
and good friends deprive their other friends off of sleep

Mermaid Jean
you're mean
it's christmas
you're not supposed to be mean
and you do realize that you just contradicted yourself, right?

Winter Sebastian
okay forgive me, little mermaid
how would you like me to make it up to you

Mermaid Jean
a christmas present would suffice

Winter Sebastian
but i gave you one already

Mermaid Jean
since when???
you didn't give me anything
the glass of wine you bought me when you decided to harass me does not count

Winter Sebastian
i'm not talking about the glass of wine, jean adeline pierce

Mermaid Jean
i regret giving you my full name in our game of twenty questions

Winter Sebastian
i gave you mine as well

Mermaid Jean
yeah but you don't have a middle name, sebastian stan

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