Start from the beginning

"Oh, I need to go for the football practice. Gyu, you coming?" Yeonjun asked.

"I thought your practice is in two hours? Why so early?" Soobin asked.

"When did Yeonjun come late or on time? He's always advance." Beomgyu laughed, and Yeonjun snickered.

"I'll come in a bit." Beomgyu said.

Yeonjun nodded, "Sure. Bye!" Yeonjun said.

Soobin bit his lip and waved quickly at him, seeing the boy walk out.

The moment he did, Beomgyu threw up on the ground. Fake threw up. He didn't actually throw up.

"What the fuck was all of that?" Beomgyu snapped, and Soobin tensed.

"The looks, the touching, the flirting, the teasing, the tension! Soobin, do you still like Yeonjun?"

"No." Soobin said quickly, "I don't."

"Then what was all that?"

"There's only two parts of him I know—" Soobin said suddenly, looking at Beomgyu.

"There's Yeonjun— who's cold, rude and mean. We hated each other, and then there's.... Daniel." Soobin bit his lip, "He's nice, funny and light-hearted. He's so nice to me, and-"

"Soobin, I don't have the right to tell you what to do in your life. No one does. Except, like, the government or something. But, look, as your best friend, it hurts to see you go back." Beomgyu said, holding Soobin's hands.

"Soobin, we're in a reality. You can't just go back to him after what happened. Well, okay, I know he said something about his past or whatever, but come to think of it— what if someone offered you lots of money in exchange of killing someone, then you did, then got caught, and told the police you only needed the money that's why you have done a crime. Does your excuse make sense? Of course, it does— but it will NEVER remove your mistake." Beomgyu said.

"Both of you need to learn, Soo. I love you and I love Yeonjun, too. Both of you are my friends. But this time, Soobin, this isn't a fairy tale, this is reality. I don't want to see you go crazy again." Beomgyu said, voice laced with concern.

"I don't know, Gyu. I'm trying. I'm trying to forget him, or to um— like, ignore what happened in the past, because of what he told me about him. I knew him more. But, Gyu, that love— it was so toxic. Should I stay away from him?" Soobin asked.

You know what? In reality, you can't just to back to those things and people who hurt you the most. It might be easy for you to say that Soobin should go back, because YOU KNOW THE STORY. But then, remember how you cursed Yeonjun back then? All of it wasn't easy. It will never be easy.

"Ignore? Soobin, you experienced pain too. He hurt you too. Like, physically and mentally. Even he didn't intend to do it intentionally, he still did. And vice versa, you've hurt him too. You can't just invalidate your own hurtings, Soobin. Okay? Look, I need to go." Beomgyu said, standing up.

"I'm your best friend, Bin. I'm willing to help you, but for now, don't overthink it so much. I'm here for you. Don't be upset. Wait for me later, hm?" Beomgyu said, giving Soobin a small smile.

[M] I HATE MY FUCK BUDDY | YEONBINWhere stories live. Discover now