"Camber, I'm waiting." I groaned finally saying the first thing that popped into my head.

"I was out with Mayella and we lost track of time from how much fun we were having." I finished putting a big innocent smile on my face. He sighed then nodded.

"Next time make sure you check the time, alright?" He asked in a stern voice.

"Yes sir." I saluted him before making my way upstairs to my room.

I flopped down onto my bed, feeling relaxed and comfortable. There's no way I'm getting up.

"Cam," someone knocked, "Cam it's Ave, can I come in." She asked. I told her she could enter my room, she shut the door behind her. I buried my face into my pillow, hiding my new bruised cheek from Avery. She jumped on my bed, sending me in the air and back down onto my bed landing on my stomach. I groaned holding my stomach.

"Avery, please don't do that I'm sore.." I mumbled into my pillow.

"Let me see." She demanded. I shook my head no in protest.


"Cam.." She said growing impatient with me. I sighed giving into her and letting her inspect me.

She lifted my hoodie above my stomach and found a big bruise on it, and multiple ones on my side. She took my hood down and saw my face. Avery cupped my cheeks, sliding her thumb gently over my bruised cheek. She pulled me in for a hug saying "I'm so sorry Cam" into my hair. She finally left my room after a little while to let me sleep. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


I heard a loud knock on my door, which was no sooner opened by John.

"Camber, it's nearly noon, and we have a lunch with some old friends of mine, get dressed." He said as he walked out if my room without shutting my door.

Parents these days, who do they think they are? Honestly.

I got out of bed, stripping myself from my clothes I wore yesterday. I got into the shower taking a quick one. I got out, drying myself off as I wrapped my towel around my body. I walked over to my dresser to find something to wear. I picked out my dark destroyed skinny jeans and a maroon v-neck. I slipped my underwear and bra on before putting on my outfit for today. I wonder who John's friends were? Maybe I've met them before, but then again I could be wrong. I'm sure they are lovely people.

I slipped on my black converse as I heard the door shut from downstairs. "Cam, come on, they're here." John yelled up the stairs. I yelled back "I'm coming" before running down the stairs. I tripped and was caught by someone. I looked up and froze once I saw who it was. I got out of his grasp and stood back behind Avery.

"Oh Cam don't be so shy, he doesn't bite." John laughed.

"But he does punch.." I mumbled.

"What was that Cam?" John asked.

"I said we should go to lunch." He nodded, all of us making our way to our cars and driving off to the place we'd be eating for lunch.


After we ate lunch everyone started to talk amongst themselves. Finally Calum's mom spoke up.

"Calum dear, aren't you having a big party tonight?" She asked.

"Yes, I've been talking about it for week." Calum said with a hint of excitement in his voice.

"Camber did you get an invite sweetie?" She asked. How is Calum so evil while his mom is such a sweetheart. I shook my head no.

Bullied By Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now