South Glade Mission Church

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The 20th of June, 2014

The rest of the day was spent with Nicolette and Eggsy sitting in a comfortable calmness. Eggsy did not press further for information from Nicolette and Nicolette allowed herself to cry the tears she needed before entering a state of relieved stress.

At some point, Eggsy had nodded off, as not much was going on in the home. Nicolette took that time to go to Harry's office. She looked at the tabloids on the walls, and studied the two that were framed; the ones from the days she and her father were made official members of Kingsman.

Drawing a deep breath, Nicolette put on the glasses that had been in her hands. She sent a call to Merlin and waited for his response.

"Something amiss, Guinevere?" Merlin asked.

"What time is Galahad intended to be at South Glade Mission Church?" Nicolette asked simply.

"How do you know that, Guinevere?"

"I'm currently babysitting Eggsy and 'house-sitting' for Galahad until he returns."

"I see. Well, his flight landed a little bit ago. There's supposedly a rally at the Church at four pm, Eastern Standard."

"Right. Thank you, Merlin," Nicolette said before ending the call, removing her glasses and collapsing them.

The young woman looked at the clock in the study, which read seven twenty-eight, Greenwich Mean Time. She then moved to sit behind the desk, which had a closed laptop on it.

"I wonder," Nicolette muttered to herself before opening the laptop.

As expected, the laptop had a password.

Nicolette entered the password that Harry had supplied for his home terminal and the laptop unlocked.

"Tisk tisk, Harry. Have multiple passwords," Nicolette said quietly before getting up to wake Eggsy.


Eggsy was sat directly behind Harry's desk, Nicolette watching from behind him. The two of them were watching the feed from Harry's Kingsman glasses.

"And I say to you, bear witness!" The Minister continued to rant, "Watch the news. Watch the news-AIDS! Floods! The blood of the innocent spilled! And yet, there are those who doubt this is the wrath of God!"

Those in attendance in the church cheered in agreement with the minister.

"Our filthy government condones sodomy, divorce, abortion, and yet, some still doubt this is the work of the Antichrist! You do not have to be a Jew, a nigger, a whore, or an atheistic, science-lovin' evolution spouter," The Minister continued.

"Charming sermon," Merlin joked over the feed.

"I'll say," Nicolette said quietly, even though no audio was being transmitted from where she and Eggsy were.

"Can you see Valentine anywhere?" Merlin asked Harry.

"So, my friends, although he is a just God, he is justly a vengeful one and there can be no turning back from the Almighty power of his wrath!" The Minister ranted.

As the Minister continued to yell, Harry looked to his left at a security camera.

"No, but I have a feeling he may be able to see me," Harry muttered only loud enough for his microphone to hear.

"Honestly, as long at they don't go out and intentionally hurt people, let them continue to scream and yell," Nicolette said with a huff, "They're only causing problems for themselves that way."

"And he will smite all those Jew, nigger, fag-lovers and the Devil will burn them for all eternity," The Minister said, drawing a loud cheer from the church goers.

Harry then moved to get up.

"Would you excuse me?" Harry asked the woman sitting to his left between him and the aisle.

"Where're you going?" The woman asked skeptically.

Harry didn't say anything, instead once again moving to get out from the pew.

"Hey. What's your problem?" The woman asked.

Harry sat back a bit before speaking, "I'm a Catholic whore, enjoying Congress out of wedlock with my black, Jewish boyfriend who works in a Military abortion clinic. So, hail Satan, and have a lovely afternoon, madam."

With that, Harry left the stunned woman sitting in the pew.

"Yes, Harry," Nicolette said with a hearty laugh.

Apparently the woman had gotten up behind him because her voice was heard yelling at Harry.

"Just leave this church!" The woman yelled, "You just leave this church like the infidel you are! Satan cannot save you now! You will eat your babies! You will drown in the blood of the Lord! He will not save you!"

The next thing the woman knew, Harry had a gun pointed at her.

"Wait, what's he-?" Nicolette started to asked.

Then Harry pulled the trigger, shooting the woman in the head.

"Holy fuck!" Eggsy cried while Nicolette only gasped.

Screams broke across the feed from the church.

"What the hell was that?" Nicolette asked, referring to Harry's behavior.

Nicolette and Eggsy then watched as Harry attacked and shot at the people in the church.

Harry did not let up on any of them, firing as soon as they were in his sights. He avoiding being hurt and went after people who seemed to have no concern over what he was doing.

Nicolette wanted to look away, but she couldn't manage to. It was like she was watching a horror movie that had completely spellbound her attention.

"What the hell is he doing? Those guys were more concerned with fighting each other than him, so why did he go after them?" Nicolette asked the air.

"Geez! Fuck," Eggsy said, pulling his gaze away for a few moments.

"Galahad, can you hear me?" Merlin asked over the feed, "Harry! Harry, what the heck is going on?"

Nicolette finally managed to pull her gaze away from the laptop screen.

"Harry, get a hold of yourself!" Nicolette yelled, even though the man would not be able to hear her, "Please! Think about what you're doing, Harry!"

Slowly, the volume of screams from the church started to lower. One would hope it was from the people calming down, but Nicolette knew it was because they were being killed. Harry was a skilled Kingsman agent; the church goers never had a chance against him.

"Fuck," Eggsy said, pushing himself away from the desk a bit.

After a little bit, the only sound that was heard was Harry panting. Everyone else in the church was dead.

"Harry, what on Earth just made you kill all those people?" Nicolette asked, looking back at the feed.

It took Harry a few moments to start to leave the church. His breathing leveled and it was as if he was seeing what he did for the first time.

Everyone was silent as they took in what had just happened.

Nicolette and Eggsy saw every dead body that Harry looked at as he left the church. Then, just outside the door, stood Richmond Valentine.

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