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The 11th of September, 2010

Eggsy was making his way to the Black Prince Pub. When he walked in, he saw a familiar face at the bar. And luckily for him, it was a friendly one, but not the exact one he was looking for.

"Hey, Ben. Nic around?" Eggsy asked.

"No, she's not. Sorry mate," Ben said before motioning to the bar stool in front of him.

Ben had become a bar keep at the Black Prince Pub while he was in University at the University of London studying Business.

"She's been on this study abroad trip for a while now," Eggsy said while sitting down across the bar from Ben, "Do you know when she'll be back?"

"She didn't say. She just gives us updates on where she is, what she's doing, just letting us know she's okay," Ben said, maintaining the story his father had created for explaining why Nicolette had been gone since early July.

Ben then got Eggsy his regular drink, which was just a pint of Budweiser.

"She's been keepin' you up to date on what she's doin'?" Eggsy asked.

"Well, I am her brother, mate," Ben said with a shrug.

"Well, can you pass on a message to her for me then? She's not respondin' to anythin' I'm sendin'."

"I don't see why not. What do you need me to tell her?"

"Just tell her to keep in touch with me. And, to remember her promise."


"She'll know what I'm talkin' about."

Ben gave Eggsy a skeptical look.

"It's nothin' bad! Honest!"

The 17th of October, 2010

"I hate you both," Nicolette muttered.

Currently, Nicolette was stood in a room with her father and her "Uncle" Hamish.

Nicolette had just undergone the loyalty test that Kingsman had devised to make sure that their members would keep their mouths shut, even if their life was on the line.

"No you don't, Nikki," Merlin said as he began the second round of the trial.

A young woman by the name of Isoth "Izzy" Jones, Tristan's candidate, was next.

"Oh, my head," Isoth's voice rang through the room, "Wait, who are you?"

"This knife, can save your life," The Interrogator said, holding up a short knife.

The train sounded and Isoth realized that her wrists and ankles were bound, just as Nicolette's had.

"My employer's got two questions for you, Izzy. What the fuck is Kingsman? And who is Robert Hall?"

"I-I don't know what you're talking about!" Isoth yelled, frantically trying to pull her limbs loose from their restraints.

"Oh, Izzy, I just killed two of your friends who gave me the same bullshit answer!"

"I don't know who or what you're talking about! Just, please, cut the ropes!"

"Hey, Izzy, is Kingsman worth dying for?"

Isoth said nothing. She only screamed in the anticipation that she was about to be crushed by a train.

That, however, was not the case. The platform that Isoth, and previously Nicolette, was tied to, fell under the track, allowing the train to pass over Isoth without hurting her.

"Well done, Izzy," Robert's voice chimed over the speakers.

Isoth and Robert joined Merlin, James, and Nicolette in the control room once Isoth was freed from her ropes.

Andrew Taylor, however, ratted out Christopher Wright, Gawain, as soon as he saw the train.

After that, Merlin had turned from the screens to face Nicolette, James, Isoth, and Robert.

"Lancelot, Tristan, congratulations. Your candidates have reached the final stage of the testing process. As tradition allows, you will have twenty-four hours to spend with them," Merlin said before addressing the candidates, "From now on, there are no safety nets. Understood?"

The 20th of October, 2010

Nicolette had been summoned by Arthur, commonly known as Chester King, to one of the studies in the Manor that was Kingsman UK Headquarters.

Nicolette felt uneasy about the situation. Nothing dangerous had occurred for a final test. Something had to be up. But Nicolette couldn't put her finger on what. After all, why would her "Uncle" Hamish warn of no safety nets unless they were going to be put into the situation where they could be seriously hurt, or even killed.

As per Arthur's request, Nicolette arrived at the designated study with her Siberian Husky, Artoria, behind her. Nicolette knocked on the door to the study before opening it.

"Merlin said you wanted to see me? And that you wanted me to bring my dog?" Nicolette asked after entering the study.

"Yes. Take a seat," Arthur said.

Nicolette nodded and took a seat before Artoria sat at her feet.

"So, what did you end up naming your dog?" Arthur asked.

"Artoria," Nicolette said simply.

"And where did that name come from?"

"It's a female alternative I derived from the name which Arthur is derived; Artorius."

"I see," Arthur said before grabbing a gun off a side table and pointing it at Nicolette.

Shock crossed the young woman's face before Arthur released his grip on the pistol, allowing the handle to fall towards Nicolette. Sensing what was expected of her, Nicolette took the pistol in her own hand.

Arthur grabbed his drink that was also on that side table and took a sip before speaking again.

"Shoot the dog," Arthur said simply.

"Pardon?" Nicolette asked.

"Shoot the dog."

Something about this didn't seem right to Nicolette. Then, something clicked in Nicolette's mind. When her father had come home after becoming a member of Kingsman, he had brought home a dog, Midnight. She wondered if he had gone through this test. But, there was no way for her to know at this point.

And one of the last things she wanted to do was disappoint her father.

"Tori, turn about," Nicolette said calmly.

Knowing the command, Artoria stood for a moment before turning to face away from Nicolette.

"Sit, Tori," Nicolette said while aiming the pistol at the back of her dog's head.

Tori, following the command, sat on the ground, still facing away from Nicolette.

"I'm sorry, Tori," Nicolette muttered before pulling the trigger.

Artoria, however, did not fall over. Her ears turned towards the noise, then forward again, showing that she was still alive.

"I must admit, you have impressed me, Guinevere," Arthur said, before turning his gaze off slightly, "Merlin, you may dismiss Ms. Jones."

"A blank?" Nicolette asked.

"A blank," Arthur confirmed.

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