A Great Opportunity

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The 6th of July, 2010

Nicolette and Benjamin had just gotten back from the Black Prince Pub. The Spencers had been on a Holiday after the school year had ended for both children, who were students at the University of London. Eggsy had insisted on them spending time together when they had come back from holiday by going down to the pub and buying Nicolette a pint at the Black Prince Pub.

Both Spencer siblings had only had a pint or two before they had returned home. They knew their mother would be cross if they returned home for dinner thoroughly intoxicated.

"Ben? Nikki? Is that you?" James' voice rang through the first floor of the home.

"Yeah. Did you need something, Dad?" Benjamin asked as the two took off their shoes.

"Can the two of you come into the study?"

The siblings looked at each other, wondering what their father could want with the two of them.

"Did you do something?" Nicolette asked in a hushed voice.

"No. Did you?" Benjamin asked in return.

Nicolette simply shook her head.

"Neither of you are in trouble if that's what the silence is wondering," James said with a chuckle.

The two siblings let out a soft sigh of relief before they made their way to their father's study. They saw the door was ajar, so Benjamin knocked twice before walking in, Nicolette behind him.

James greeted his children with a smile as they entered his study.

"Nikki, dear, would you close the door behind you?" James asked his daughter.

Nicolette simply nodded her head before closing the door to her father's study. The two Spencer children then stood side by side in front of their father's desk.

"The two of you remember the fact that I work for Kingsman, correct?" James asked his two children.

"The tailor shop?" Nicolette asked, "What about it?"

"Well, it's not just a tailor shop," James began to explain, "Do you remember those spy movies you used to love Ben?"

"Yeah, but what's movies like the James Bond films got to do with King-, wait, is that what you actually do?" Benjamin asked.

"Is that how you knew all those self-defense moves you taught me?" Nicolette asked.

James simply nodded his head with a small smile, proud of how bright his children were.

"Wait, aren't you not supposed to tell anyone you're a spy? Especially loved ones?" Nicolette asked.

"Yeah, because it'd put them and yourself in danger," Benjamin said, continuing his sister's thought, "So, why would you be telling us this?"

"Because two positions have opened up," James said simply.

"Wait, no one," Nicolette paused, "You know."

"Oh, no! No, Bernard is retiring, and Arthur and Merlin felt it was time to establish a new position in the agency as well."

"'Arthur'? 'Merlin'? Like from the stories of King Arthur you used to tell us?" Benjamin asked.

"Yes. Those are the names of the agents. And, you both actually know one of them."


"Merlin is your 'Uncle' Hamish, for one."

"So, are you telling us about all of this because you want us to fill those positions?" Nicolette asked, returning to a form of the point of order.

James felt silent for a moments, drawing a deep breath, then releasing it, "Yes. I have put great thought into it and I would like to have the two of you be my candidates for the positions of Percival," James had pointed to his son, then pointed to his daughter, "And Guinevere."

"Hold on Dad, you hesitated. Why?" Benjamin asked.

James was proud that his children were smart, but because of that, not much could get past either of them.

"Well, when I was going through the, application process, for the position in Kingsman that I have now, the other final candidate that I was going up against, died before I was given my title," James explained, his gaze locked on the wood of his desk.

"He died?" Benjamin asked, his eyebrows raising at learning this information.

"Unfortunately, yes. But if he hadn't done what he did, I wouldn't have been able to come home to your mother and the two of you."

"Did you know his name?" Nicolette asked.

"Yes. Lee Unwin."

"Was he-?"

"Yes, he was Eggsy's father. I was surprised when you had told me about your new friend all those years ago," James said, sitting up in his seat a bit more, "Now, I knew then, and I still know, that there is nothing I can do to repay that man for what he did. But, I did what I could to help his son have the chance at a good life."


"I paid for his schooling while the three of you were growing up."

"So, you weren't even a proper spy yet and you could have died?" Benjamin asked, returning once again to the point of order.

"Yes, that is true, Ben," James answered truthfully.

"So, if we do this, there's the chance that either of us could die?" Benjamin asked, pointing between himself and his sister.

James simply nodded his head.

"Then I'm not doing it."

"Ben, this is a great opportunity for both of you. You should really-."

"You just confirmed that we could die doing this Dad!"

"But even without doing this, anyone could die at any moment," James said, trying to sway his son.

"I'm not going to do it, Dad. And I'm surprised you agreed to be a spy after you saw Mr. Unwin die. Didn't you think about how that would affect Mum? If you had died instead of Mr. Unwin, Mum could have ended up like Eggsy's Mum is now!"

"Ben, that's enough," Nicolette said firmly, facing her brother, "Mum isn't Ms. Unwin."

Benjamin let out a breath through his nose, his jaw set. Then he looked at his sister, and he knew the look in her eyes.

"Nic, you're not seriously thinking about taking Dad's offer, are you?" Benjamin asked.

"What if I am, Ben?" Nicolette returned evenly.

"Nic, think about what it would do to Mum if you died. Think about what it would do to any of us."

"Dad's been doing this for thirteen years and he's been fine. And I trust Dad's judgement."

Benjamin let out another long breath before looking down at the ground in front of his feet, "I'm not going to be able to talk you out of this, am I?"

"Have you ever really succeeded before?" Nicolette asked with a small smirk.

Benjamin let out a quick chuckle at his sister's comment before looking up at her and looking her in the eye. Their gazes were locked for a few moments before Benjamin said anything.

"Just promise me you won't be reckless when it matters," Benjamin said to his sister.

"Of course, Ben," Nicolette said before turning to face her father, "I suppose that's my answer then."

James then stood up from his desk.

"Benjamin, for you, this conversation never happened. Nicolette, come with me," James said before leading his daughter from his study and out the front door.

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