Train Training

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The 16th of June, 2014

"Seems like Harry's having his debriefing with Arthur as we speak," Nicolette said, walking into the nerve center.

"And did you give Arthur the updated list of missing VIPs?" Merlin asked, giving a sideways glance to Nicolette as he worked.

"Of course. Poor Princess Tilde. The next missing person without a single lead," Nicolette muttered as she sat in a seat adjacent to Merlin, "Those the files for the candidates?"

"Yes. Thank you for finding Ms. Montague-Herring."

"Wasn't difficult. Seems she enjoys a night out," Nicolette said with a small smile, "And Jackson knows the script?"

"Yes. He just needed a little brushing up from when you were going through this."

"I still hate you guys for that," Nicolette said flatly.

"No you don't, Nikki. If it wasn't for that, you might not be a Kingsman," Merlin said with a chuckle before standing, grabbing the completed files, which were now in manila envelopes, "Let's go give these to the candidates."

Nicolette stood up and the two agents made their way towards the candidate dormitory. When they entered the room, the news could be heard playing before it was quickly switched off.

The candidates, which were all sitting around the TV in the room, started to stand when Merlin and Nicolette entered the room.

"At ease," Merlin said, moving to stand in front of the candidates.

The candidates sat back down as Nicolette closed the door. She then stood next to Merlin who was stood in front of the three remaining candidates.

"So, you thought you were done for today, huh?" Nicolette asked as Merlin passed out the manila folders.

"Well, we're not," Merlin said.

The candidates reached into the envelopes to pull out the information inside.

"A party?" Roxy asked, holding only the invitation.

"Tonight. In London," Nicolette explained.

"Who's this?" Charlie asked, holding up the picture of Ms. Sophie Montague-Herring.

"Your target," Merlin supplied, "Your mission is to use your NLP training to win over the individual in the photograph in your envelope."

"And when we say 'win over,' we do mean in the biblical sense," Nicolette clarified.

"Easy," Eggsy said, holding up his photo of Ms. Montague-Herring, "Posh girls love a bit of rough," Eggsy then threw a wink at Nicolette.

What Nicolette could not tell from Eggsy's action, was if he was joking around with her or if he was being suggestive. She brushed it aside, however.

"We'll see about that, yeah?" Charlie asked, staring down Eggsy.

"We certainly will," Roxy said, turning around her photo to show that it also was Ms. Montague-Herring.


Nicolette stood in front of the transport tube that led from the Manor to the shop in London. She was going to be escorting the candidates into London and transferring them to a car that would take them to the party.

Charlie was dressed in slacks with a white button-down shirt and a maroon blazer, Roxy was wearing a black dress with lace three-quarter length sleeves and smokey-eye make-up, and Eggsy was sporting his classic "rough street kid" look, which included a white snap-back and winged Adidas shoes.

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