The pain

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"You let me die"
"You let me die because you were incapable of doing it"
"Why did you let this happen to me"
"Why did you let me become THIS"

 "You let me die" "You let me die because you were incapable of doing it" "Why did you let this happen to me" "Why did you let me become THIS"

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Y/n's POV

I wake up panting, I felt a drop of sweat roll down my cheek. I sit up slowly and place my head in my hands. What was that? A nightmare? The face was oddly familiar but who was it? I place my hand over my mouth as I rush to the trash can by my desk, once I was leaning over it I vomited. I felt a hand on my back and I look up slightly to see Ferid and that's when I threw up again.
"What is it that is irritating your stomach?" he asked kneeling down at my side.
I grip the edge of the can so tightly that the side began to bend inwards.
"Come, lay down."
Ferid helped me to the bed and I slowly laid down on my back. My stomach feels in knots and my fangs hurt. Ferid slowly parted my lips with his fingers, he ran one over my fangs. I felt his blood trickle down my throat which made me want to throw up even more. I chocked the blood down and Ferid pulled his hand away licking what was left.
"Does that make you feel better?" he asked.
I shake my head slowly as Ferid frowns.
"I see, then it wasn't thirst."
Ferid sighs frustrated.
"I'll be back, do not move."
Everything hurts, my head, my stomach, my eyes, everything.
"Why must you be so difficult?"
A voice spoke, causing the pain to only worsen.
"Why are you not allowing me in?"
I let out a scream as the pain grew to be unbearable.
"You remember me, don't you, Y/n. Let me inside your head. Let me control your decisions. Let me control your fate as you did mine."
I curled into a ball screaming, then everything went black.

                       Ferid's POV

"Have you thought she might just be thirsty?"Crowley asked.
"It did not seem to work, "I reply
"Have you tried asking her what's the matter?"Crowley's blond aid asked
"She does not open up easily, "I say, "I can never get any information out of her."
"She's a stubborn one I see," Crowley says amused
"Let us try talking to her when she wakes up m'lord." the blond one says
"Do as you wish, she may open up more easily with other women around, "I say leading Crowley out of the room

Y/n's POV

I slowly open my eyes to find myself starring at a woman with short ivory-colored hair and blood-red eyes like the rest of the vampires.
"You're awake," she said.
I slowly sit up as another vampire walks over to my bed, she had curly blond hair and the same red eyes.
"Good, are you thirsty?"The blond one asked
I shook my head.
"Then let us start with introductions, I am Horn Skuld the seventeenth progenitor and her name is Chess Belle, she is also the seventeen progenitors. We are the aids to Lord Crowley."
"I-I'm Y/n," I say.
"We know, Lord Ferid told us everything about you," Chess says.
"We also know what happened earlier, would you mind explaining that to us from your perspective?" Horn asked.
"As long as none of this leaves the room, "I say. "I don't need Ferid getting all worried about me.
"Yes, of course, "Horn says
I explain everything that I know to them, which wasn't much but they listened intently.
"And this thing was talking about getting in my head and wanting to control my fate as I did them, "I explain, "but for the life of me I couldn't tell you what they meant by that."
"I've never heard of anything like that happening before, "Horn says.
"Could it be a demon?" Chess asked Horn.
"No, not likely. There are no reports of a demon taking control of a vampire," Horn replied. "But of course Y/n isn't a full vampire."
"I don't want the pain to go on anymore, I want this thing gone, "I say. "Help me, please."
"We'll do what we can, just rest," Horn says standing up and leaving the room with Chess behind her.

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