Chapter 26

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This chapter is dedicated to @MiniMochiii because of his/her votes on the previous chapter as well as his/her reply to my poll on the POVs. Thanks so much for your support on this book!

Sofia's POV

Daniel had cut me a slice of cake. I took a bite and involuntarily moaned. Wow, that was good stuff! I ate it quickly and sighed. "Best cake ever," I said. He looked at me and smiled. "I take that you enjoyed that?" he asked. I nodded and he smiled. "Now," he said standing up, "Who wants to play some games?!" Everyone cheered. I however, just sat there. There were games too?! He got everyone to sit in a circle and waved me over. "Truth or dare, Sofia?" he called. I grinned and proceeded to join as well.

A couple rounds later, we successfully ended the game after Daniel had licked a pole ("That was digusting," he said.), I had told them about the time I had tripped in front of the whole school (albeit a blush from Dave), Sammy had danced the Irish tap (How on earth does he do that?), and Dave had  told us about the time he wet his pants in class (followed by a smug look from Daniel). Let's just say that we exploded in fits of laughter throughout the whole game.

We played Musical Chairs as well. It turns out that Daniel was extremely competitive. I also found that you could get really bruised doing this. How? Well, Dave had ended up sandwiched between Sammy and Farah. Daniel had toppled over a chair, I had ended up sitting some guy's lap (Trust me, that was the most embarrassing moment ever) and a short wrestling match had become involved. Finally, only two people were left; Daniel and Dave. The music started and I cheered for them both. They both stared at each other in th eye. "You're going down, sourpuss," Daniel said to Dave. "Let's agree to disagree," Dave said, smirking. The music seemed to go on forever and I caught Trisha's, the girl minding the music's, eye. She had a glint in her eye as she stopped the music. Both boys lunged toward the chair. Dave was just 0.5 seconds faster and managed to nab the chair before Daniel did. "Yes, I won!" he shouted, sticking his tongue out at Daniel. "Gloating," Daniel said, wiping off his sweat, "Is not polite, Dave."

I giggled at the sight. I caught Daniel's eye and waved him over to the kitchen while the rest relaxed for a moment. "Why?" I asked as soon as we got there. "Why'd you do this?" He raised his eyebrow. "I thought it would've been obvious," he said, "It's your birthday and I bet you've never celebrated it before." "You didn't have to," I said, blushing. He smiled and tilted my head up for a kiss. "I want to," he said gently, "Now, why don't we see what's on that table?" I turned to look at a table which I hadn't noticed before. He signaled to Trisha and Sammy, who were holding the cloth covering the table. They took the cloth off and I gaped. Presents! "Are...are all these for... for me?" I stuttered. "No, I asked them all to come and give ME presents on YOUR birthday," Daniel said sarcastically, "Of course they are yours."

In front of everyone, then and there, I jumped into his arms and kissed him. "Thank you," I said, a few tears running down my cheeks. He wiped away the tears and kissed me lightly. "Con't cry. And you're welcome," he said, "I love you, Sofia Bear." "Love you too, Dani," I replied. We stared at each other for the longest time, until we heard someone say, "Keep the PDa to a minimum, people!" We both laughed. "Come on, girl," he said, "Let's go open up some presents."

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