Chapter 23

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Sofia healed quickly over the next couple of days. Before she knew it, she was up an about, going for walks, and spending time with Daniel. However, all of this was about to come to an end...

Daniel's POV (Wow, first time😅)

Summer's coming to an end. My time with her is running out. Gosh, I hate this! Like, I've just come to love her. What if she starts hating me again after school starts? Or worse, what if those humans start hurting her again?! Gosh, I can't protect all the time! I won't be able to graduate with her. I won't be able to hold her again. Heck, I'll won't even be able to see her turn 14...


Gosh, I'm the worst boyfriend ever! I don't even know when her birthday is! I slapped my forehead. "Gosh, I'm an idiot," I mumbled. Sofia was sitting right in front of me. She looked up from the chess board in between us and said, "What was that?" Crack, she heard. "Oh, nothing," I replied. Looking down, I saw a possible move and moved the knight to E5. "Check," I said. She smirked and moved her queen across the board. "Checkmate," she said smiling.

I looked down and indeed saw that my king had been captured. I leaned back into the chair and sighed. "How did I not see that?" I said. She threw her head back and laughed. Ugh, that laugh! I would die if only just to hear it again! Then, I realised. I still need to ask her when her birthday is. I took a deep breath. Gosh, this is going to be embarassing.

"Sofia, when is your birthday?" I asked. She stopped laughing. "Why do you ask?" she asked. I could feel a blush coming onto my cheeks. She giggled. "You don't know do you? It's okay. It's not like I know yours," she said, "It's August 18th by the way." August 18th. That's like next week! I got to plan something. Hmmm....

"Oh, ok," I said, "Mine's December 24th. So... any plans for the day?" She shrugged. "Nah. Usually I just spend the day as usual. It's not like anyone has ever acknowledged my birthday anyway."

That's it. I HAVE to do something for her. Anything to get her to at the very least go back to school and that wretched house a bit happier. A surprise party, perhaps? Yeah, that would work. Oh, this is going to be epic...

Sofia's POV

I watched as Daniel put his thinking face on. I've seen that face a few times at my old school and it usually ended up with a bully getting humiliated, a student taken to the principal and a question getting answered in class. Why now, though? I mean, as far as I'm concerned, there are no bullies here or any questions to be answered. Well, no bullies other than my parents, of course.

"Daniel?" I asked, when he started to zone out. He snapped out of his daze and smiled. "Oh, uh... it's nothing, Sofi Bear," he said. I raised an eyebrow. "Sofi Bear?" I asked.

He blushed.

"IT'S NOTHING! REALLY! It's just a nickname I've been thinking about lately and I didn't mean to let it slip out and gosh, I'm so stupid!" he rambled. I laughed at his outburst. Him rambling is definitely a first. He used to be so strong, and stern, and well, closed up, no emotions.

'Congratulations, Sofia,' I thought, 'You have managed to bring the Gwelyn High School bad boy to his knees.'

"It's okay, Dani. I kinda like it," I admitted. "Dani?" he asked. "Hey, it's not fair if you can have a nickname for me and I can't have one for you," I said. He smirked. "Dani it is."

Well, what else could I do to celebrate our new nicknames? After days of being ill, I kissed him, of course!

I'm Not Supposed To Love You, But I Do... (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now