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Penny's POV


The husky voice!! The voice I have been dying to hear. His emerald eyes locked on me.

"Alex", I gasp.

"So,I wasn't wrong when I thought we would meet again," he smirked.

I smiled shyly.

"What are you doing here?" He asks me,staring at me intensely.

"I-I....well it's a bar and yeah...", I stuttered. Fuck!! What the hell is wrong with me. Since when did I became a weak bitch. I closed my eyes in frustration. Moments later I feel his hot breathes on my neck.

"If you need someone to talk, I will be inside," he whispered, his voice was raspy enough to send chills down my spine. He disappeared into the crowd.

I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Umm,penny,what are you doing here? We have been looking for you", groaned Joe.

I muttered a sorry and we entered the bar.

"What will you guys have?" Joe asked me, Zoe and her boyfriend Adam.

"I will have an apple martini," I announced

"Gin and tonic for me," Adam squealed.

"I am fine, I don't need drinks", Zoe smiled weakly. Joe ordered the bartender to give us our drinks. We started chatting but all this while I can feel an intense pair of emerald eyes on me. I looked back and see, Alex in a corner with some boys. He smirked when he saw me and oddly I was smiling too.

We drank the night away. I was definitely drunk but still a responsible drunk. Joe was passed out. Adam was sober.

"Are you sure,you can go home by yourself", Zoe asked me.

"Yeah,don't worry about...about me", I say,but I am completely sure I am not.

Adam and Zoe takes Joe with them. I stand where I was standing for a while and then decided to leave the bar. That's when I felt a hand gripping my wrist. The same feeling!!

"Are you sure,you are completely fine? You can't even walk properly", the raspy voice spoke.

I turned around to meet his gaze. His eyes were so beautiful. But those eyes were tired and depressed.

I let my hand wander through his beautiful brown curls.

"Why are you so irresistible?" I whispered.

"You are beautiful too,but now we need to get you home",Alex replied.

"That's not what I asked,I asked you,why are you so irresistible", I asked again.

His lips curled up in a smile.

"I will answer every single of your question,but let's get you home first",he whispered in his raspy voice.

I was exhausted and the alcohol that I consumed is kicking. I said nothing. Instead I fell asleep in his arms.

"Ouch...", I groaned as my hangover kicked in.

"Fuck..",I cursed, "I am never drinking again.."

Yeah right everyone says that we will see later,darling, I thought.

I felt like my heart was about to come out of my chest through my ribs. Where the hell am I!!!!!!

"Crap!! This is not the place where I was",I mumbled.

I tried to remember everything that I did last night before I blacked out.

And then the regrets started to creep in my mind. What the actual hell happened yesterday. Did I say all those things. My cheeks began to redden as I recalled the last night. I was about pass out. Not by the fear that I didn't go back home last night. My parents even though they love me wouldn't really care. Moreover my brother was an actual asshole. He preferred me dead.

I was embarrassed by what I did last night. I felt like slapping the shit outta myself.

I looked around. It was an expensive hotel. I was relieved when I saw no one beside me. I stared at the bathroom door. I prayed mentally that no one was inside. I removed the duvet and walked towards the door.

Pheww!!!! No one was inside. I was completely confused. Then I saw the note on the side table.

I picked it up. His handwriting wasn't as neat and beautiful as him.

"Dear penny,
Don't worry nothing happened. I know that was the first thought that came to your mind. Don't lie. I was not raised to take advantage of women instead I was taught to respect them. Anyway, I hope the hangover is not intense. I have left a pack of pain killer,please take them. I have also paid for the room. So don't panic. If you need anything just give me a call:)


Just as I finished reading my phone buzzed. I quickly went and grabbed it.

I saved my number incase you are wondering. Call me if you need anything:)

This was completely unexpected. I never thought chivalry existed to this days. I was so overwhelmed by Alex's behaviour. His parents raised him right. But I felt guilty for what I did. Lord!! What does he think of me now. Great first impression.

Don't know what to do or say. I quickly typed a reply

Thank you:)

I hope you guys like to read this as much as I like to write it. I get a lot of homework so I can't update often. Please excuse that🙃. I appreciate every read and vote. Thank you so much❤❤Please don't forget to vote and comment🙈🙈It motivates me😇😇

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