Chapter 2

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Penny's POV
I was walking really fast. So fast that no one has the chance to even see my face. I can't believe I talked to Jason like that. Not that I was feeling guilty.But what surprised me was, I didn't even think once before I opened my mouth. Didn't think about the consequence.

Lord!! I can't function my brain. I need Joe. Joe is my best friend. We are best friends since 4th grade. All these years, he has been my parents, brother, sister everything. He is one of the few people on earth, who doesn't judge me.

My thoughts were interrupted when I bumped onto someone. Someone really strong, so strong that I fell on the ground.

Wow!! Can this day get any better. I looked up to see who was this strong person.

He had green eyes. Those eyes were looking straight through my heart. He had soft brown curls. Anyone who denied their urge to run their hands through those smooth and soft curls were nothing but liars. His jawline was so sharp. He had a bit of tan, which made him look like nothing but complete snack.

But I was so mad at this snack. He gave me his hand, to get up. I looked for a while and took it. Holy Christ!! A bolt of electricity went throughout my whole body. This was not the first time I touched a guy but no one ever made me feel like this. He spoke for the first time.

"Are you alright?" He said in his husky voice, " I am so sorry, I didn't notice you"

Well it's alright. No need to apologise. This is not the first time that no one noticed me, I thought.

I mumbled, "It's alright".

He gave his hand towards me again. I was confused for a second, until I realised he wants to shake hands with me. I quickly shook his hand. Lord!! I will never get used to his touch.

He whispered in his husky voice, " I'm Alex", still holding my hand.


Wait! Did he just smirked. No must be my imagination. He whispered again.

"Although our introduction wasn't the best, but nice to meet you, Penny", and gave his million dollars smile.

Holy Christ!!

That was a sight. When he smiled, his eyes started to twinkle and dimples were formed on both sides of his cheeks.

I stood there like an idiot, admiring his beauty, not sure what to say. I somehow replied, "Nice to meet you too".

Suddenly I remembered I have to go to Joe's place. Jesus!! This man has the power to make someone forget their own name.

I quickly mumbled, "Bye", and ran off. I could feel his eyes burning my back. But I decided not to stop and look back.

"So what made you this late"? Joe shrugged, "You were supposed to be here 15 minutes ago".

"Oh! Joe, you are ao dramatic", Zoe Joe's elder sister,rolled her eyes, " 15 minutes Joe,it's not 15 hours, let her breathe"

"Are you gonna tell us, what made you late?"

Not sure how to answer that, I remained silent. What am I supposed to say. I can't tell them what just happened. I am definitely not gonna tell them that a beautiful, angel like man told me,a potato,that it was nice to meet me.

What was so nice to meet me. How on earth was that even an introduction, because I will never see him ever again. He was just a stranger who bumped onto me. This is not really that special. There is nothing to think about it.

But Lord!! He was gorgeous. God!! Penny, get a grip on yourself.

"Hello, earth to Penny,"

I came back from my Alex wonderland.

"Tell us why are you late".

As I opened my mouth to say something awkward, Tracy saved me. "Joe, leave her alone. Penny darling, do you wanna have dinner with us?" Tracy smiled.

Mmm!! Dinner at the Connor house is the best. So I quickly nodded, smiling like an idiot.

"Excellent," smiled Tracy.

"Mum can you give us something to eat",cried Joe.

"More like , to gobble," Tracy rolled her eyes as we laughed. I love this family.

Hey,everyone. Thank you for all the reads and comments on the last chapter. I am overwhelmed. I can't wait for you to read and comment on this chapter. Pleaseeeee!! Don't forget to vote.❤️❤️

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