Chapter 23 the answer

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*the next day*

Rainbow woke up and said...

"n-no they could be lying..." she said and just got a headache for thinking about it too much...

She got a call from blitz..

Dash: h-hello?
Blitz: hey dashie... How's your trip so far? You only have one week left so make it count
Dash: y-yea s-sure

End call

Ugh what am I gonna do?...

Wait..... I know..

She went outside to find soarin and after a few minutes she found him it only took her like 30 min.

She walked up to him and said.

Rainbow's POV

"yea I know this is embarrassing but fine I'll let you talk now" I said and soarin turned around...

T-those eyes... I feel like they could get me anywhe- Urghhhh SHUT UP BRAIN!!!!

"Are you sure you wanna talk?" he crossed his arms

"yes..and im so sorry about yesterday" I  apologized

"ok.....all I wanna say is......." he stopped


"why did you stop?" I asked.

"well I wanna ask you that yesterday, but now I forgot not my fault" he said and I let out a chuckle.

"sorry... But now I wanna say something...." I started..

"ask away" he said.

I looked down and said..

"i-is it true? A-are you really my boyfriend?" I asked....


"no" he answered.

"w-what? Are you sure?" I asked.

"yes....." he said.

"b-but why did the others said that-" he cutted me off

"not all things are true Rainbow dash" he said and walked away...



I sadly walked back to the hotel and I saw Marco and Jacob ran up to me with worried faces..

"w-whats wrong with you tw-" Marco cutted me off

"ma'am please don't go away like that! Cause if we'll loose you me and Jacob are gonna be tosted with sir. Blitz" he panted

"oh sorry" I said...

*next week*

Yeah time for me to head home..... was quite a... Vacation.... I guess

I was on the plane starring at the window

Please... I want an answer.... Who is telling the truth???

When I got home I saw my parents, blitz's parents aaannndd him...

"dash!" dad hugged me

"how was the trip?" dad asked.

"cool" I said..

"dashie!!" blitz cheered and hugged me.

"uhh...hi?" I said and pushed him away. 

Secrets that are meant to be kept [COMPLETED]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang