Chapter 3- Get away from her!!!

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Mane 6 POV

We saw dash and soarin walking together and chatting, by the way we got rarity back...

(note: that was before.... Uhhh.... Soarin pulled his room)

"I wonder what they're chattering about" rarity squealed
"yieeee the ship sails itself!!" pinkie yelled
"shhh!!  Pinkie!!  Don't get us caught!"
Twilight sushed
"heeheehee I wonder what's gonna happen" pinkie smirked

*after a few minutes*

We were walking around since school is over and twilight thought about something
"hey I just noticed something about you 2" twilight pointed to sunset and pinkie
"what?" they both asked
"pinkie has pinkie sense that let's her  see on what's gonna happen in the future and sunset has her magical Geo that let's her see the Past!!  See what I did there?" twilight laughed

"huh good point" sunset agreed
"hey we should get dash cause she's gonna be late to our group hang out" aj reminded then they were about to walk but pinkie stopped them
"pinkie!  Let us through we gotta see dash" twilight said pointing to the clock
"let them have their time.. " she smirked like she knew what's really going on...

(actually she does)

Dash's POV

(finally right?)

Soarin was nice at all but sometimes he's really flirty and he has gone far on this one... He slammed me on the wall.

"soarin!!  Let me go!!" I yelled
"don't worry dashie I brought condoms" he winked
"eeeww get away" I said slightly pushing him off
(wait.... Why aren't I escaping? 🤔)

"what? Too far?" he smirked
"yes and let me go" I said
"but I can't...." he whinned
"soarin!!! I don't want to be another BITCH of yours!!" I yelled
"but daashh.....*sigh* know.. I'm the hottest boy in the social media... So either you get this chance... Or you can just go away" he said
"u-uhhmm" I stuttered
"I wouldn't step back if I were you" he said

"well?" he asked

". . . . . . ."

3rd person view

"there we go... " soarin said as he slowly kisses Rainbow's neck he continued and dash let out a soft moan....then soarin kissed rainbow softly to her lips then she kissed back... They continued kissing while soarin slowly moved his hand behind dash's waist then moved her closer.... To him...
He stepped back still not letting go of his lips from dash's then he brought her to the bed

*after a few minutes*

Dash realized what she was doing.... She realizes that soarin was slowly removing her shirt but she pushed him away and she started to cry...

"w-what happened... " she cried..

"w-whats wrong?" he asked
Then dash remembered what they were doing

"oh shit" she said then she ran away from his room

"DASH WAIT IM SORRY!!" soarin yelled

*the next day*

Rainbow's POV

Why did I? I should've escaped.... What was I thinking? I was walking alone then I saw my friends and I saw pinkie with that smirk plastered on her face...i ignored them and walked away

"dash?" fluttershy called
"I-I'm sorry but I wanna be alone right now" I said then sunset came infront and touched my shoulder...after a moment her face was really red...

"u-uhmm... Yah we should give dash some time... Alone" she kept blushing
"good!" I said and when I turned around I saw a bit far is soarin....
"a-actually on second thought I'll just stay here with you guys" I said
"huh?" they asked in confusion
"oh its because of... Don't worry we'll protect you" sunset said and I smiled
"uhhh protect her from what?" aj asked

She Whispered to them about it
Their eyes widen and said
"how dare that!!'' aj was about to attack but fluttershy held him back
"now now let's not panick I know it's... Umm... Surprising but Umm....lets keep it normal... For dashie" she said

"don't worry dashie he's not gonna lay another finger of his to you! Not on our watch!" twilight said

Oh I love it when my friends are being this way... They really care for me...

"dash!!!" soarin called
" I'm so sorry i-" he was cutted of by my friends went between us
"ehem!  We're here too ya know!! And we didn't like what you did to dash!!" sunset scolded
"yeah! I'm very angry you shouldn't do that to random people you see!" fluttershy scolded
"b-but she's not just a random girl " he said

I looked at him.

"she's an angel😍" he said
"excuse me mister! Don't forget what you just did! You raped her!" twilight yelled
"I'm sorry" he apologized
"I swear if I hear another of this thing to sorry but your forbidden to see her!" sunset threatened him

*after school*

(sorry I just hate writing about the whole class all they did was awkwardly walk together without talking)

"dash I just wanna say I'm so sorry... I promise I won't do it again" he said
"too late" I looked at him

He looked at me surprised

"i-im sorry can I do something to take it bac-" i cutted him off

"no doofus!  It's too late because I already have my first kiss" I blushed hard
"oooh who is it?" he smirked
"Urghhhh.... you.. " I frowned
"sorry what? Didn't hear you" he teased
"whatever skies!!"

To be continued

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