Chapter 22 wake up to reality!!!

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"listen!!  I have enough of you girls!!!!" I yelled

No one's POV

"but dash I think you wanna hear this" fluttershy said

"hear what?!!!" dash yelled.

"make it quick!  And make it count or else I'm calling my guards on all of you!" rainbow warned them.

She let them in and they all sat down on couch...

"ok first I'm twilight,this is fluttershy, this is rarity, that is applejack and pinkie pie" she said and pointed to each of them

"uh-huh?" rainbow crossed her arms

"and wait-.... Who gave you that?  Please tell me it's just an accessory" rarity said pointing to dash's ring..

"oh this? My fiance gave it to me" she admired.

"WHAAAAAAAAT?!!!!!" they yelled

"w-what?" Rainbow asked.

"with who?!!!!!" aj asked

"with blitz" Rainbow answered

"umm... Well dash... Sorry to tell you but.... Whatever blitz said to you... It's all a gosh darn lie!!!" aj yelled

Rainbow looked at her and stood up..

"w-what are you talking about?!!" Rainbow asked

"here dash s-sit down and we'll explain it to you" twilight said..

"n-no!  Blitz will never lie to me! " she yelled

"are you sure? How long have you known him?!" fluttershy raised her eyebrow

"a few years ago" she said

"and who told you that?" fluttershy sassed.

"b-blitz" Rainbow said..

"b-but still he is nice! He wouldnt-" dash was cutted off by a flashback on her mind..


"why are bad guys being nice?"

"well sometimes people are pretending to be nice so they could   get what they want, and that's what makes them bad."

End of flashback

"n-no" rainbow moved back...

"it's all true... Do you wanna learn the truth? Or just stick to your so-called fiance's lie?" aj asked.

"........fine..... Tell me the truth" rainbow gave in

*After a few minutes*

"y-you mean to tell me that.... S-soarin is my real boyfriend..n-not blitz?" she asked

"yup" they all say...

"so it's all up to you know rainbow... Either you'll marry your true love or just leave it away" fluttershy said

and they all left...

Twilight stopped and said.

"we just hope we didn't waste your time" then after that she left with the others...

Rainbow held her head and was really confused... Are they telling the truth or not?

To be continued...

Yeaaa!!!  Update!!!! Am I right???

NV haha lol

Secrets that are meant to be kept [COMPLETED]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat