Sorry Readers

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Hey guys i've decided that... I'm gonna delete all the Christmas days because i don't think i can finish it in time and i can't be on wattpad that often so i'm sorry BUT the dares that you guys commented won't be erased but the ones that i already put in the Christmas chapters will also be deleted i'm sorry i know you all are gonna be mad but i can't do more and i have some news to

First. Is i can't update that often anymore but here is my scheduled on when i can update my books

Monday - Art Book
Tuesday - None
Wednesday - Art Book
Thursday - None
Friday - My Ninjago Truth Or Dare

That's my scheduled for now at least but when i'm going through final exams i can't be on

Second. Final exams are coming up and in my school there is a thing called try outs it's to prepare us for final exams it's only for the upperclassmen that are about to graduate and it starts as soon as the holidays are over but before that there is one more party that the school is throwing so yeah until then i can still update

And that's it guys i hope you all understand so yeah sorry but that's all for now so cya next time!


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