Black Veil Brides 30 Day Challenge

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DAY 1: Your favorite Black Veil Brides song.
DAY 2: Your favorite Black Veil Brides lyric.
DAY 3: Your favorite Black Veil Brides picture.
DAY 4: Your favorite Black Veil Brides music video.
DAY 5: Favorite Black Veil Brides gig.
DAY 6: A picture from an Black Veil Brides concert that you took (if you’ve never been, just steal one).
DAY 7: Favorite Black Veil Brides member(s).
DAY 8: Favorite picture of Andy Biersack .
DAY 9: Favorite picture of Ashley Purdy.
DAY 10: Favorite picture of Jinxx.
DAY 11: Favorite picture of Jake Pitts.
DAY 12: Favorite picture of Christian Coma.
DAY 13: Whatever tickles your fancy!
DAY 14: Your favorite live song.
DAY 15: Your favorite quote of them.
DAY 16: Anything you made to show off your Black Veil Brides fandom (a drawing, a graphic, etc).
DAY 17: A paragraph about why Black Veil Brides are so important to you.
DAY 18: How you found out about Black Veil Brides.
DAY 19: A funny picture of Black Veil Brides
DAY 20: One question you could ask any member of Black Veil Brides.
DAY 21: The first Black Veil Brides song you heard.
DAY 22: If you could write a letter to the band, what would it say?
DAY 23: Favourite Andy Six moment.
DAY 24: What you love most about Black Veil Brides.
DAY 25: Best Black Veil Brides song to listen to when you’re happy.
DAY 26: Best Black Veil Brides song to listen to when you’re sad.
DAY 27: Favorite Black Veil Brides interview.
DAY 28: How would you felt to hear that they split up?
DAY 29: Favorite Black Veil Brides memory.
DAY 30: favourite Andy, Ashley, Jinxx, Jake and Christian moment

Black Veil Brides 30 Day ChallengeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant