Affairs of the Heart.

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Chapter 10

Rose's POV

Upon arrival, I was immediately escorted off of Scotty with the help of Aramis. Porthos immediately joined some of the younger lads at the table to eat, while Athos's eyes lingered upon me. No longer fighting Aramis' touch, I accepted his hand, as I walked slowly up to Treville's quarters.

It did not take the others long to follow suit as the door was quickly shut behind us. Treville sat promptly behind his desk, about to speak when Porthos chewed down on a chicken leg he had grabbed off his plate from below.

"Must you be so loud when you eat Porthos? There are matters we must attend to." Athos snapped.

Looking back and forth between Athos' glare and Porthos' mortified expression, a soft laugh escaped my lips. Aramis cracked a smile and Athos rolled his eyes.

"Enough, Porthos set that down, we have important matters to attend too. The King has requested our troops to investigate the slums. The Cardinal informed his majesty that there has been talk of an uprise-"

"Is he mad?! An Uprising? That's absolute rubbish Cap'ain and you know it!" Porthos jumped up in defense.

"Settle down Porthos, it is out of my control, however, the King has asked me to send you lot to investigate. It's the best I could do Porthos, I'm sorry."

"The Cardinal has been after that place for years! They are the innocent, they cannot defend themselves! They're struggling to eat, let alone trying to plan some rubbish uprising! This is absolutely absurd!" Porthos knocked his food to the ground and gripped Treville's desk.

"Enough! That is why I sending you all there! Would you rather have the Cardinal and his soldiers rip the place to shreds? No? Get out of my quarters immediately. Go to the slums, find what all this talk is about and absolutely no bloodshed. The last thing we want is further hate tossed on his majesty. Go. I expect you back at sundown with news." Treville said sharply waving us out. Porthos grunted and stormed from the room while I looked to Aramis and Athos for information.

"Someone want to explain to me why he is so distraught?" I questioned.

Athos sighed before gesturing us down the stairs. "Porthos grew up in the slums... He's very protective of that place. Treville found him there when he was a boy, caught him stealing food for his baby sister. Said to Porthos if he returned the food he would train him and his family would never starve again. So, Porthos returned the food and since that day, Porthos has provided not just for his family, but for other's as well. That is why Porthos is very protective of that place... it was his home and perhaps always will be."

Not bothering to reply, I walked over to Porthos who was grumbling to himself while he was saddling up.

I grasped his hands and he turned to me with anger struck upon his face.

"I promise you we will find out what is happening. I do not believe it is an uprising. I promise you Porthos, we will help you find the truth in this matter." His face softened and quickly pulled my body into a gentle hug.

"Thank-you. I'm happy you're here with us Rose." Porthos expressed. I was released from the hug and went back over to Scotty to see Aramis had already had him ready to go. Turning around I met Athos' gaze once again.

"What is it?"

"You failed to mention the anonymous note you received to Treville!" Athos whispered aggressively.

"Excuse me? I think there are more pressing matters at hand this moment. The note can wait." I muttered. Athos rolled his eyes moving closer to me.

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