You Are Who You Are.

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Chapter Nine

Rose's POV

My head spun as it raked through small flashbacks of last night events. The cold feeling upon my back and then the burning sensation that surged through my body. A foul tasting substance. A warm hand. A kiss. Each flashback was faint. Almost as if I had seen it through a drunken state. Voices were too loud to understand and everything hurt.

I slowly opened my eyes adjusting to the lighting within the room. The room lie a mess as I took in the surroundings. A soft snore from below filled the defining silence within the room. Torn clothing lie scattered as the smell of dried blood consumed my nose. Aramis and Porthos lied asleep on the marble flooring, while Athos sat within a grand chair, eyes clothed breathing softly.

I shoved the sheets away slowly, preparing to see how much damage I had acquired. Clenching my teeth, I pushed back the tears as I stretched to move the sheets. Pain erupted throughout as I held back a groan bubbling from my lips.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you. You took quit a beating. Allow your body to rest for a moment. You do not understand how extensive your injuries are. In fact, you are extremely lucky we were there, or you would have bled out on the forest floor Rose."

My hands steadied as the voice, rang soft and clear. Refusing to put up a fight I relaxed with ease, closing my eyes in the process.

"I thought you were asleep." My voice came out harsh and dry. My fingers slowly reached towards my throat, lightly grazing it.

"It is very hard to sleep these nights. Especially when a friend's life was at risk and still is for the matter." I heard Athos depart from the chair and quietly walk towards me. "Hold out your hand. Drink this, it will help your throat." I felt a warm hand grasp mine, guiding me to a small cup. Athos still holding my hand helped me slowly drink the cool water. When I was finished, he left briefly, only to return with a full glass.

"What is it that you are not telling me Athos? You are withholding information, what is it?" I stated. I felt a slight tense in his hand before it vanished. Athos cleared his voice before replying.

"Enough talk. Rest. Gain your strength, we will speak, when you are feeling better." I opened my mouth to argue before Athos swiftly cut me off. "Don't you dare argue with me Rose. I mean it. Rest, I will tell you everything when you awake again, but now you must get some more rest." Athos raised his brow as I tried to open my mouth again, but quickly closed it, knowing all too well it was best not to argue.

"How is he?" I cursed myself for letting the words slip from my lips. Closing my eyes in protest I begged Athos hadn't heard me but alas he stood froze in step before turning back to face me once more.

"He's grateful. We all are, for the matter. You need your rest. Constance will be back within a couple of hours to help you dress and change your dressings. Sleep now. I will awake you if anything happens." Athos looked at me once more before walking back to the chair. Sighing, I let the sleep consume me once more.

"Rose...Rose Dear... C'mon you must get up, I have to change your dressings love." I groaned before opening my eyes to see Constance above me. I looked beyond her in search of the men, but alas the room was empty.

"I kicked them out. They do not need to bear witness to this. Besides, you yourself should be the first to see your body... if you choose." I nodded eagerly. I was dying to know what had become of my body since the attack. I pulled the sheets away, feeling the cool air leave goosebumps upon my skin.

I leaned on Constance as she lifted me from the bed. I bit my tongue in agony from the pain the radiated from the sudden movement. Once standing, Constance guided me over to the large mirror that stood within the room. Drapped over the chair that Athos has sat in lay my clothing along with my equipment.

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