"Whoa! Hold up you not gonna disrespect me to my face. First, My name is Keisha not no fùcking Kenya. Secondly, August and my sister Brooklyn been dating on and off way before he even went to jail so bítch he's a taken man. Clearly your hoe ass is the fùcking issue." Kelly said as if I️ gave fùck about what her name is or who her sister was.

"Um okay that was then, this is now. From what I've seen August is out here doing him so how am I️ the issue? He haven't even mention shit about your bum ass sister, so as for as I'm concerned he is available to anyone. So run and tell ya sister that. By the way I've heard about her hoe ass so she should know a thing or two about fucking other people man." I️ said shrugging.

Brooklyn been around the block and back fùcking and sucking everything moving. She should be the last person calling anyone a hoe or complaining about me fùcking her nonexistent man.

Keisha try to snuck me but I️ side step her and hit her in the face. Typical hoe move, now she want to fight cause I'm speaking facts. They can talk shit but can't handle it.

She grabbed on to my hair as I️ kept hitting her I️n the face.  I swing her to the floor so she can lose her grip, before stomping on her. Shani tried to pull me back and I️ swing on her ass hitting her at the side of her head.

I️ was not going to let these bítches jump me without doing some serious damage first.

Shani tried to get me down on the floor and I shoved her back so we both fell down with me on top of her.

We were on the floor fighting when I️ feel my hair being pulled again and being hit in the back of my head by Keisha.

I️ punched Shani in her big ass mouth as hard as I️ could. I️ made sure to leave that bitch leaking before I️ was dragged off her and fell on my back.

Kenzie tried to stop on me but I️ grabbed her foot and then kicked her other leg.

She lost her balance hitting her side on the wooden bench as she went down. I️ quickly got up before they could come at me again.

"Son you bítches pussy as fuck. Y'all dead ass tried to jump me over some bullshit. How you gonna fight me over a nigga that don't belong to you or your sister? Y'all hoes be dumb." I️ said I️ was so fucking heated.

I️ don't even give a fùck about the situation anymore. I'm just mad as fuck that I️ let these dusty hoes take me out of character like that.

All of this shit over a nígga that's sweating me. It's not my fault he want a piece of this chocolate.

"You a fake ass fùcking hoe. After we been friends for so long you gonna fight me over shit that has nothing to do with you. I️ broke up the fight between you and Mel and I️ stopped Martina from fùcking you up so much time and this how you come at me? Dead ass on everything it's fuck you from now on." I️ kept ranting.

Shani got up and help pick up her raggedy ass so call friend with her. I'm not even going to bother trying to fight them again I️ was over this bullshit.

"You gonna regret this shít watch bítch. My sister don't play that so best believe she going to fuck you up." Kendra girl said as if I️ gave a fuck.

"Okay and? Bítch I️ got a sister too so what's your point? Y'all hoes can't fight one on one y'all gotta jump instead. I️ never been pussy ask that fake hoe beside you. Word to my mother y'all bítches ain't shit" I️ said.

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