Unkown Destination

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"Right let me get this straight" Ant raised one eyebrow as he and Dec looked at ITV bosses straight in the eye, confusion didn't even enter the situation it was more shock "you want me and Dec...me and him to go on a plane with an unknown destination for what? 2 hours..."

"7 hours" the ITV boss scratched the back of his head as he quietly corrected Ant, stopping him with his finger and looking at his partner ant seen the amusement on Decs face

"You can't be seriously thinking about this Declan?! We have no idea where we're going..."

"That's the fun fact of it all Anthony, oh come on. If it's for the show and we've got to check it out then why on earth not, it'll be fun to get away and work at the same time pet" Dec smiled and made a hand gesture to his boss to stay quiet, one that Ant didn't see. Dec knows Ant is a organised to the T kind of man but he needs a little spontaneity and well this offers just that

"Hey come on..." Dec stepped closer to his boyfriend wrapping one arm around his waist and keeping the ITV boss back with the other arm as he tried to talk Ant round, in his eyes this was a win win situation. Go to a private island, check it out for the show and have a little fun while they are there. There was literally no faults in this idea

"I don't like not knowing where I am you know that, plus we'll have to pack and get passports sorted. Tell family and everything, we don't have the time..."

Awkwardly standing behind Dec and placing a notepad on the desk the boss rose his hand lightly "umm...we kind of already packed your bags, your flight leaves in 30 minuets"

"What?! So I couldn't say no even I wanted to"

"Afraid not Ant, let us know what you think when you come back" the ITV boss waved them off as Dec excitedly ran out of the room with ant and towards the car that was waiting for them

9 hours later (after the flight)

"This is ridiculous! I've no clue where I am man" Ant huffed as they were driven to what appeared to be a little cabin on the remote island of the coast of somewhere, it required a little boat journey from the airport to the final destination but Dec was all up for more traveling unlike his boyfriend, leaning his head on the window ant looked out at the clear blue sea and the blaring sun that shone down

"Are you seriously going to be grumpy over a free holiday? Look at the view, I even brought extra cream so I won't burn and you're here moping because it wasn't planed" Dec huffed getting out the car as the driver stopped in front of the cabin. He thought this would be a nice small break for them mixed in with a little work but his mood is quickly changing. The smaller man grabbed his case from the trunk as Ant made his way round looking apologetic towards him

"Look I'm sorry alright...no don't walk away" Ant grabbed Decs forearm as he wasn't showing any interest in what he had to say and wanted to just get inside. Ants a organised man, he likes order. So when things are done out of order or out of his organising routines it completely flips his mood but now it's effecting Declan and that he can't have "...you know the way I am..."

"Yeah I do but what's wrong with spontaneity, I thought it was going to be fun man" Dec dropped his case down by his side as he watched Ant get his own case out and letting the driver get away so they didn't have to listen to their dispute. Looking at his partner Ant could see Dec just wanted to unwind, have fun and soak up the sun and who was he to stop that "it will be fun" Ant smirked lowering his head to gently place a kiss on the smaller mans mouth, leaning back into it with a little more force Dec deepened the kiss making Ant crumble into the touch

"That's your way to always shut me up, kiss and go" Dec poked Ants side pulling back a little breathless and picked his case up again walking up to the cabin with Ant softly chuckling behind him

Walking into the spacious cabin both men dropped their cases, the taller man was still stood behind his boyfriend which made it easier for him to slip his arms around the mans waist and hug him from behind taking in his scent "okay, it's nice. I'll stop being grumpy" Ant smiled into Decs neck and felt a hand go over his own on Decs abdomen, leaning back into the touch the older man felt a spark start in his body and his mind is now in holiday mode

"This place is definitely good for SNT" Dec beamed walking out Ants hold to walk over to the kitchen area and look in the fridge, opening the door he was pleasantly shocked "they filled it up man! I love our team" he mumbled through eating some grapes, all of this was watched by Ant. He wanted nothing more than to kick back and relax with Dec and now he has the perfect opportunity

He's not been able to take his eyes off him since they walked in and his need to touch him was growing by the second. His body called for Declan and it was evident Ant was feeling a little horny just by his stance, hand on hip and shoulder width apart. Looking up from the box of grapes that was just devoured in minutes Dec smiled "you're in holiday mindset aren't you" he winked noticing his partners stance as he walked back over to him and placed his arms around Ants waist

"Holiday mindset maybe but my mind is busy right now" Ant breathed lowering his head to softly kiss Decs neck with his gentle touch, fingertips dancing along the hem of the smaller mans top that perfectly shown off his semi-muscular chest and arms, his arms are one of Ants weaknesses "oh really? Wouldn't of guessed" Dec mocked starting to walk backwards leading Ant by his hand and stopped just before the bedroom door "if this is how we start this holiday maybe we should just buy this island" Dec laughed kissing Ant deeply, running one hand through the jet black hair and the other running riot over the body he claims. Pushing forward a little more and Ant has Dec pushed up the door in seconds, one arm supporting himself beside Decs head and the other controlling the kiss by cupping the older mans neck " I will buy you any island you want..." Ants breathing was becoming laboured due to the kissing, pulling back and trapping Decs lower lip in his teeth he all but growled "...but just get out these bloody clothes" pulling Decs top off him and opening the door, Ants arm swung round the slim waist as he moved them into sight of the bed kicking the door shut as he went

Looks like checking out the island is the least of the duo's priority right now...

Ant and Dec SMUT and FLUFF/CUTE one shots Where stories live. Discover now