Chapter 18: The Wrath of the Ice Queen

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Rose barged into the penthouse, pulling me by the collar. I felt a nervous churn in my stomach as we made our way to the Playroom. But it wasn't the kind I normally felt. Not the kind I wanted to feel.

The doors made a pounding sound as she threw them open. With a swift motion, she tossed me in, sending me tumbling onto the carpet.

"Rose" I said.

"That stupid man" she grumbled under her breath. "That possessive, manipulative, selfish, son of a bitch..."

She grabbed a whip off the wall, then threw it at the air. The crack snapped the air in the half, and I instinctively drew back. Her eyes aimed on me, like a bull on its target before it launches. I could see the blood boiling under her skin, and I was petrified.

"Mistress, I don't---"

She grabbed me by the front of the shirt, and pushed me onto the bed. I was too scared to move. I knew if I tried to fight back, she would only strike me.

I lifted my hands to shield myself.

"Mistress...please don't..." I pleaded, then began repeating our safe word. "Mercy...mercy...mercy mistress, please."

But Rose lifted the whip to strike. I squeezed my eyes shut, prepared for a blow harder than anything I would ever experience.

Then nothing.

I dared to open my eyes. She still had the whip ready, her eyes still glowing like hot coals. But then they softened, like slowly pouring water over a fire. I saw her lips shake, then she threw the whip down and crawled on the bed on top of me.

I knew she was trying to hide it, but she was crying. She wrapped her arms around my head, pulling me into her chest. I could feel a warm wetness on my head as she nuzzled her face into my hair. I felt the sobs in her throat and chest.

"My baby" she whimpered. "My poor boy..."

She sniffled, then stood up off the bed.

"I'm sorry" she said, wiping a tear of mascara off her cheek. She turned around, then walked briskly out the Playroom, hands on her face and repeating the same words over and over.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

She disappeared into the hallway, leaving me alone on the bed. For what felt like half an hour, I was frozen still. My mind swerved trying comprehend it all, shocked from seeing that sort of outburst in her for the first time.

I finally stood up, and left the Playroom to find her.

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